Najnoviji video zapisi

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

⁣Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök napirend előtti felszólalása (2022. szeptember 26.)

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Orbán Viktor a Kossuth Rádióban (2022. szeptember 30.)

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Orbán Viktor a Kossuth Rádióban (2022. október 14.)

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

A magas árak ellen harcolni kell, a következő év végére felére kell csökkenteni a szankciós inflációt. Egyszámjegyűnek kell lennie.

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Brüsszel senkit sem kérdezett meg a szankciókról. Magyarországon azonban kikérjük az emberek véleményét, ami egy fontos eszköz a kormány kezében a nemzetközi színtéren is

Magyarország Kormánya
3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Mi folyik itt és ki nyer a szankciókkal? Egyre több ország vezetője elégedetlen a brüsszeli döntésekkel. Azt ígérték, hogy a szankciók észszerűek lesznek, és közelebb visznek a háború befejezéséhez, de nem így történik.

Magyarország Kormánya
2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Szembe kell nézni a valósággal: a szankciók megrendítik Európát, és elhúzódó háborúra kell berendezkednünk. Ezért egy békét garantálni tudó hadseregre van szükségünk

Magyarország Kormánya
2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Csaknem 250 önkéntes katona tett esküt a Petőfi laktanyában. Az önkéntes katonai szolgálatot vállalók jelentik a hidat a civilek és a hadsereg között.

Magyarország Kormánya
4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Orbán Viktor a Kossuth Rádióban (2022. október 28.)

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Kormányinfó (2022. szeptember 8.)

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Mit miért tesz a kormány?

Magyarország Kormánya
2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Kormányinfó (2022. szeptember 17.)

Magyarország Kormánya
1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Amíg a szankciók okozta helyzet nem javul, fenntartjuk az árstopokat, a kamatstopot és a rezsicsökkentést is.

Magyarország Kormánya
3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Hogyan segítjük az energiaintenzív kkv-kat az energiaválság idején?

Magyarország Kormánya
2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Kormányinfó (2022. szeptember 29.)

Magyarország Kormánya
2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Az elitek döntése helyett az emberek véleménye fontos. Ezért indul nemzeti konzultáció a brüsszeli szankcióról.

Magyarország Kormánya
3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Fontos változás az iskolákban: a takarékosság jegyében nem lesz őszi szünet, helyette hosszabb téli szünet vár a diákokra.

Magyarország Kormánya
16 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Kormányinfó (2022. október 13.)

3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Subscribe to our channel to be the first to see new content!

AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations:
Exhaust Sounds:
Drives & Reviews:
PURE! Sound:
Engine Sounds:
Startups & Rev’s:

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Subscribe to be the first to see new content!
You can support our channel by becoming a Patron!
AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more! #AutoTopNL

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije


AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations:
Exhaust Sounds:
Drives & Reviews:
PURE! Sound:
Engine Sounds:
Startups & Rev’s:

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

1000HP AUDI R8 V10 PLUS BiTURBO | Klasen Motors 346km/h AUTOBAHN POV by AutoTopNL
Subscribe to be the first to see new content!
You can support our channel by becoming a Patron!
AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more! #AutoTopNL

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

950HP MERCEDES GLC 63 S AMG GAD Motors 300+km/h AUTOBAHN POV by AutoTopNL

Subscribe to be the first to see new content!
You can support our channel by becoming a Patron!
AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more! #AutoTopNL

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Ford Mustang GT 5.0 ACCELERATION & TOP SPEED POV Autobahn Test Drive by AutoTopNL

*** Modifications list: ***
PMAS cold air intake
- LUND NGauge tune management
- LUND 95/98 flex ECU tune
- Engine cover delete
- Sound tube delete
- Magnaflow Tru-X X pipe
- Magnaflow custom exhaust to axle-backs
- Roush axle-back exhaust
- Steeda hood struts
- Steeda 30% short-shift
- Steeda jacking rails
- Steeda engine strut brace
- Roush warrior rear spoiler
- Roush sideskirt winglets
- Roush shifter
- JLT 3.0 catch can
- OSRAM LED 101 DRLs and fogs
- DiodeDynamics LED deep red side markers
- Clear front indicators
- LED sidelights
- Black Pony and fender badges
- OEM boot mat and cargo net
- STO n SHO number plate bracket
- 18.2 front & rear plates

Subscribe to our channel to be the first to see new content!

AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations:
Exhaust Sounds:
Drives & Reviews:
PURE! Sound:
Engine Sounds:
Startups & Rev’s:

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Subscribe to our channel to be the first to see new content!

AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations:
Exhaust Sounds:
Drives & Reviews:
PURE! Sound:
Engine Sounds:
Startups & Rev’s:

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

1012HP AUDI RS6 Klasen 330km/h REVIEW POV Test Drive on AUTOBAHN by AutoTopNL
Subscribe to be the first to see new content!
You can support our channel by becoming a Patron!
AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more! #AutoTopNL

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

2020 BMW 7 SERIES Passenger POV - GADGETS & Entertainment by AutoTopNL
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Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
Check out our Brand Store:
AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more! #AutoTopNL

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

802HP Audi R8 V10 Plus SUPERCHARGED 324km/h AUTOBAHN POV by AutoTopNL
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AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations:
Exhaust Sounds:
Drives & Reviews:
PURE! Sound:
Engine Sounds:
Startups & Rev’s:

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

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You can support our channel by becoming a Patron!
AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations:
Exhaust Sounds:
Drives & Reviews:
PURE! Sound:
Engine Sounds:
Startups & Rev’s:

3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

709HP AUDI S2 Avant 2.2 HUGE TURBO! on AUTOBAHN by AutoTopNL
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Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
Check out our Brand Store:
AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more! #AutoTopNL

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

BENTLEY Flying Spur *340km/h* TOP SPEED on AUTOBAHN by AutoTopNL
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Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
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Instagram: AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage:

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

RACE this RS7 at the MF RS750 events!

Subscribe to our channel to be the first to see new content!

AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: and follow us on Instagram: for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations:
Exhaust Sounds:
Drives & Reviews:
PURE! Sound:
Engine Sounds:
Startups & Rev’s:

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

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Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
Check out our Brand Store:
Instagram: AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage:

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Sound & Acceleration data
00:00 Walkaround
04:23 Engine
05:28 Interior
06:20 Test Drive
09:20 Autobahn
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Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
Check out our Brand Store:
Instagram: AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage:

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

00:00 Walkaround
04:17 Engine
05:30 Interior
06:30 Start Up & Drive
10:31 Autobahn
Subscribe to be the first to see new content!
Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
Check out our Brand Store:
Instagram: AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage:

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

00:00 Walkaround
03:55 Engine
06:17 Interior
08:57 Test Drive
13:18 Autobahn

Subscribe to be the first to see new content!
Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
Check out our Brand Store:
Instagram: AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage:

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

00:00 Walkaround
01:24 Engine
02:14 Interior
03:45 Test Drive
07:05 Review

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UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

00:00 Walkaround
03:10 Engine
03:53 Interior
05:30 Test Drive
09:30 Autobahn
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Instagram: AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage:

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

00:00 Ford F150 Lightning
04:55 Ford E-Transit
10:58 Ford SUPERVAN

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Check out our 100-200 GPS Scoreboard
Check out our Brand Store:
Instagram: AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage:

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

The budget cap saga is shaping up to be a pivotal moment for the FIA. Teams have already voiced their displeasure with how thing are being handled, with Mercedes giving the ruling body an ultimatum. Watch the entire video to find out whether Mercedes are planning on braking the cap themselves, and the possibility of them suing the FIA.

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#Formula1 #F1 #LewisHamilton

7 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

It has been almost a decade since Michael Schumacher suffered a terrible skiing accident. Since then, his health condition has been kept a closely guarded secret, with only a few close friends and family allowed to see the seven-time world champion.

Today, we look at the latest news on the German's health, whether or not we'll ever see him in public again, and some troubling allegations levelled against his family.

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🎥 Videos about Formula 1 News
🎨 Written, voiced and produced by Formula 1 Live
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• Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.”
• We use images and content in accordance with the YouTube Fair Use copyright guidelines
#Formula1 #F1 #Schumacher

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

This year, Red Bull has completely dominated the field, winning both championships and shattering numerous long-standing records along the way. But now everyone is looking ahead to 2023, and Red Bull's future may not be as bright as they had hoped. Let's take a look at what the 2023 Red Bull car might look like and the challenges that the team will face.

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🎥 Videos about Formula 1 News
🎨 Written, voiced and produced by Formula 1 Live
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• For business inquiries, copyright matters or other inquiries please contact us at: [email protected]
⚠️ Copyright Disclaimers
• Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.”
• We use images and content in accordance with the YouTube Fair Use copyright guidelines
#Formula1 #F1 #RedBullF1

5 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

The FIA is still working to iron out any kinks that arose following the major regulatory overhaul in 2022, and has announced a slew of changes for 2023. Let's take a look at these rule changes and how much of an impact they will have.

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🎥 Videos about Formula 1 News
🎨 Written, voiced and produced by Formula 1 Live
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• For business inquiries, copyright matters or other inquiries please contact us at: [email protected]
⚠️ Copyright Disclaimers
• Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.”
• We use images and content in accordance with the YouTube Fair Use copyright guidelines
#Formula1 #F1 #FIA

7 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#magictricks #julienmagic #sweden
Learn my magic here!

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Snap chatt : Julienmagic

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1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#halloween #scary #pranks
Learn my magic here!

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Snap chatt : Julienmagic

Brand deals or live performance contact : [email protected]

6 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

⁣Most Evil Halloween Pranks #shorts

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#magictricks #Francereactstomagic #france
Learn my magic here!

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Brand deals or live performance contact : [email protected]

5 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#magictricks #julienmagic #pranks
Learn my magic here!

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Snap chatt : Julienmagic

Brand deals or live performance contact : [email protected]

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#magictricks #julienmagic #pranks
Learn my magic here!

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twitter- @JulienDauphin

Snap chatt : Julienmagic

Brand deals or live performance contact : [email protected]

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#Halloween #julienmagic #pranks
Learn my magic here!

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twitter- @JulienDauphin

Snap chatt : Julienmagic

Brand deals or live performance contact : [email protected]

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Thank you so much for watching our Tyre Puncture Prank with popping balloons | Watch The REACTION with popping Balloons PRANK | (Part2) prank video


And if you want to have fun, we have many more videos so you can watch the videos

Hey how are you all,

hope all is well with your prayers and love We too fine too we made this Tyre Puncture Prank with popping balloons | Watch The REACTION with popping Balloons PRANK | (Part2) video today just for entertainment so no one will be angry watching our video no one will take it seriously just watch the video and have fun and nothing more If you have any feedback, if you think that there is any problem with this video, please let us know in the comment box. We will try to solve it. Inshallah, encourage us to watch the next video. Subscribe to our youtube channel (ComicaL TV)  to get it now

Thanks everyone ❤️

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#ComicaL TV

Our Must Popular Prank Link :-↓

1:- Train Horn Prank :-

2:- Fake Gun Firing prank :-

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Watch Update Viral Train Horn PRANK 2022 | Best of Train Horn Prank Reaction on Public | By - ComocaL TV

Thank you for watching this Train Horn PRANK video. We made this Prank video for your entertainment and we made this Train Horn PRANK video with some funny public. If you like this Train Horn PRANK video, don't forget to like and comment on this Prank video. Be sure to subscribe to our ComicaL TV YouTube channel to watch more Prank and funny Video

OUR EMAIL ADDRESS 👉 didarhossaindm@gmail


6 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Thank you so much for watching our Fake Tiger vs Crazy MAN Prank Video! Fake Tiger Prank on Public!! So Funny Reaction - By ComicaL TV prank video


And if you want to have fun, we have many more videos so you can watch the videos

Hey how are you all,

hope all is well with your prayers and love We too fine too we made this Fake Tiger vs Crazy MAN Prank Video! Fake Tiger Prank on Public!! So Funny Reaction video today just for entertainment so no one will be angry watching our video no one will take it seriously just watch the video and have fun and nothing more If you have any feedback, if you think that there is any problem with this Fake Tiger vs Crazy MAN Prank Video! Fake Tiger Prank on Public prank video, please let us know in the comment box. We will try to solve it. Inshallah, encourage us to watch the next video. Subscribe to our youtube channel (ComicaL TV) to get it now

Thanks everyone ❤

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8 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Thank you so much for watching our Fake Tiger Vs Crazy Man Prank Video! So Funny Man REACTION With Fake Tiger (Part 4) By ComicaL TV prank video


And if you want to have fun, we have many more videos so you can watch the videos

Hey how are you all,

hope all is well with your prayers and love We too fine too we made this Fake Tiger Vs Crazy Man Prank Video! So Funny Man REACTION With Fake Tiger (Part 4) video today just for entertainment so no one will be angry watching our video no one will take it seriously just watch the video and have fun and nothing more If you have any feedback, if you think that there is any problem with this Fake Tiger Vs Crazy Man Prank Video! So Funny Man REACTION With Fake tiger prank video, please let us know in the comment box. We will try to solve it. Inshallah, encourage us to watch the next video. Subscribe to our youtube channel (ComicaL TV)  to get it now

Thanks everyone ❤️

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1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Watch Update Viral Train Horn PRANK in 2022 | Best of Train Horn PRANK on Public | ComicaL TV

Thank you for watching this Train Horn Prank video. We made this Prank video for your entertainment and we made this Train Horn Prank video with some funny public. If you like this Train Horn Prank video, don't forget to like and comment on this Train Horn Prank video. Be sure to subscribe to our ComicaL TV YouTube channel to watch more Prank and funny Video

OUR EMAIL ADDRESS 👉 didarhossaindm@gmail

#ComicaLTV #awesomereaction #funnyprankvideo #sofunnyvideos #fakefiringprank #faketigerprank #prankvideo #pranks #prank

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Best of the Fake Train horn prank | ( Part 3 ) Try to not laugh challenge - Horn prank in public place!


Thank you so much for watching this train horn prank  video this Train horn prank  video was made just to keep you entertained and to make you have fun

If you really enjoyed watching this train horn prank  video please please subscribe now to ( Comical TV ) To watch more funny prank  videos

If you like the video, don't forget to like and comment on the video in the comment box and share it with your friends.

Don't miss part 1, 2 in ti's channel

Love u all

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1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Watch Update Tyre Blast PRANK with Popping balloons | Crazy REACTION with Popping Balloon Prank - So Funny

Thank you for watching this Tyre Blast PRANK video. We made this video for your entertainment and we made this Tyre Blast PRANK video with some funny public. If you like this prank video, don't forget to like and comment on this prank video. Be sure to subscribe to our ComicaL TV YouTube channel to watch more Prank and funny Video

OUR EMAIL ADDRESS 👉 didarhossaindm@gmail

#TyreBlastPRANK #tyrepunctureprank #balloonsprank #poppingballoonprank #prankvideo #funnyprankvideo #awesomereaction #sofunnyvideos #pranks #prank #comicaltv

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Watch Train Horn Prank 2022 | Best of The Train Horn Prank on Public (Part 5) | ComicaL TV

Thank you for watching this Train Horn Prank video. We made this video for your entertainment and we made this prank video with some funny public. If you like this prank video, don't forget to like and comment on this prank video. Be sure to subscribe to our ComicaL TV YouTube channel to watch more Prank and funny Video

OUR EMAIL ADDRESS 👉 didarhossaindm@gmail

#trainhornprank #bestofthetrainhornprank #comicaltv #awesomereaction #funnyprankvideo #prankvideo #prankvideosfunny #funnypranks #sofunnyvideos #pranks #bestpranks #prankin2022 #part5

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Watch Update Viral Train Horn Prank 2022 || Best of Train Horn Prank Reaction on public...

Thank you for watching this Train Horn Prank video. We made this Prank video for your entertainment and we made this Train Horn Prank video with some funny public. If you like this Train Horn Prank video, don't forget to like and comment on this Train Horn Prank video. Be sure to subscribe to our ComicaL TV YouTube channel to watch more Prank and funny Video

OUR EMAIL ADDRESS 👉 didarhossaindm@gmail

#ComicaLTV #awesomereaction #funnyprankvideo #sofunnyvideos #fakefiringprank #faketigerprank #prankvideo #pranks #prank

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Fake Firing PRANK | Fake G-U-N shot PRANK on Public Awesome Reaction|( Part 3) By - ComicaL TV

Hi friends how are you all I hope you are well thank you so much for watching this Fake Firing PRANK | Fake G-U-N shot PRANK video. we made this Prank video today just to make you Entertainment. we have created this ComicaL TV youtube channel for uploading different types of Prank videos  you want to watch the more funny prank videos, be sure to subscribe. Stay tuned for the next video. Thank you

The details of this Fake Firing PRANK Fake G-U-N shot Prankvideo are: We made this video with funny people. We made this video with everyone's permission. Then the video was made. Even this video was not uploaded without anyone's permission. No one was harmed by this video. None of this has been done. All of you will just have fun and enjoy watching this video. If you have any comments about this Fake Firing PRANK video you can contact us or let me know by commenting below this video. Of course I have a correction. I'll try. Thanks everyone

To contact us ↓

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3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

A fusion of past and present starring Gisele Bündchen: introducing the TB Summer Monogram by Riccardo Tisci

#TBMonogram #Burberry

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Burberry introduces its new Autumn/Winter 2021 campaign, capturing a sense of freedom and celebrating those who dare to be bold and break with convention.

The collection features new silhouettes by Riccardo Tisci in faux fur, light catching paillettes and geometric colour blocks

Music by Robert Miles

Discover more on and the @Burberry Instagram account


1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Individuality, duality, confidence

The new Spring/Summer 2022 campaign celebrates the power of self-expression

Discover multiple perspectives on the #BurberrySS22 collection at


Film by Mert and Marcus
Styling by Katy England
Hair by Jawara
Make-up by Isamaya Ffrench

Discover more on:

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

The Lola Bag. An unmistakable attitude.

Bella Hadid, Lourdes Leon, Jourdan Dunn and Ella Richards capture Lola's irresistible energy and commanding presence in our latest campaign, created with Torso Solutions

Discover the full campaign at

#Burberry #TheLolaBag

Styling by Suzanne Koller
Hair by Soichi Inagaki
Make-up by Lauren Parsons
Movement and direction by Ryan Chappell
Set Design by Zach Apo-Tsang
Music by Ville Haimala

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Adventures into the unknown have been part of Burberry's story since the beginning, starting with Thomas Burberry's creation of innovative outerwear

Today, we continue this legacy with a film that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy. A celebration of the joy and opportunity found in fearlessly embracing the unknown.

Explore the story at

#BurberryNightCreatures #BurberryOuterwear #Burberry

Creative direction by Burberry
Creative idea and film direction by Megaforce and Riff Raff Films
Starring Alanna Archibald, Joshua Storrer and Nonoka Kato
Creative production by Riff Raff Films
Music by Yom
Choreography by La Horde
Styling by Lotta Volkova
Hair by Gary Gill
Make-up by Vass Theotokis

5 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Staged once again in the majestic surroundings of the Musée du Louvre’s Cour Carrée in Paris with a special set design by Philippe Parreno, Nicolas Ghesquière will present his next #LouisVuitton Collection on Tuesday, October 4th in Paris at 4 pm (CEST).

See more of the Women's Spring-Summer 2023 Collection at

Wamdue Project - « King of My Castle (Roy Malone's King Mix) »
(written by Chris Brann et Gaelle Addison)
Published by Jessica Michael Music Inc
(P) 2009 BMG Rights Management (US) LLC

Marie Davidson - "Work It (Soulwax Remix)"
(written by Marie Davidson/ Pierre Guerineau/ Stephen Antoine C Dewaele/ David Gerard C Dewaele)
Published By Just Isn’t Music Ltd
Courtesy of Ninja Tune Ltd

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Staged once again in the majestic surroundings of the Musée du Louvre’s Cour Carrée in Paris with a special set design by Philippe Parreno, Nicolas Ghesquière presented his next #LouisVuitton Collection on Tuesday, October 4th in Paris at 4 pm (CEST).

Watch the full show on Youtube or at


Since 1854, Louis Vuitton has placed fashion in the context of culture bringing unique designs to the world, combining innovation with style and uncompromising quality. Today, the Maison remains faithful to the spirit of its founder, Louis Vuitton, who invented a genuine “Art of Travel” through luggage, bags and accessories which were as creative as they were elegant and practical.

Still haven't subscribe to Louis Vuitton on YouTube? ►

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2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Invited to see Nicolas Ghesquière unveil his Spring-Summer 2023 Women’s Collection at the Louvre, the celebrities share their impressions after the show.

See more of the Women's Spring-Summer 2023 Collection at


Since 1854, Louis Vuitton has placed fashion in the context of culture bringing unique designs to the world, combining innovation with style and uncompromising quality. Today, the Maison remains faithful to the spirit of its founder, Louis Vuitton, who invented a genuine “Art of Travel” through luggage, bags and accessories which were as creative as they were elegant and practical.

Still haven't subscribe to Louis Vuitton on YouTube? ►

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1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Join Milly Alcock as she arrives at the Louvre for the Women’s Spring-Summer 2023 Fashion Show. Wearing wide leg linen pants and a floral tie by Nicolas Ghesquière, the actress shares her thoughts on the collection and how exciting it is to be in Paris to see her first fashion show.

See more of the Women's Spring-Summer 2023 Collection at


Since 1854, Louis Vuitton has placed fashion in the context of culture bringing unique designs to the world, combining innovation with style and uncompromising quality. Today, the Maison remains faithful to the spirit of its founder, Louis Vuitton, who invented a genuine “Art of Travel” through luggage, bags and accessories which were as creative as they were elegant and practical.

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1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

For the Men's Spring-Summer 2023 Collection's second presentation in Aranya, China, Louis Vuitton invited producer Jia Zhangke and director Wei Shujun to create a cinematic prelude to the show. Go behind-the-scenes as the two collaborators plan the shoot in Beijing and then travel to Dunhuang, on the edge of the Gobi Desert to film a contemporary meeting between East and West, exploring themes of childhood, discovery and community.

Watch the fashion show at


Since 1854, Louis Vuitton has placed fashion in the context of culture bringing unique designs to the world, combining innovation with style and uncompromising quality. Today, the Maison remains faithful to the spirit of its founder, Louis Vuitton, who invented a genuine “Art of Travel” through luggage, bags and accessories which were as creative as they were elegant and practical.

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1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

SEE LV, Louis Vuitton’s travelling exhibition, continues in Sydney after its inauguration in Wuhan in 2020 and stops in Hangzhou, Dubai, and Tokyo. An immersive and interactive journey through the Maison’s 160-year old history, SEE LV brings together a remarkable collection of modern collections and early twentieth-century trunks, artistic collaborations and iconic leather creations.

Discover more at


Since 1854, Louis Vuitton has placed fashion in the context of culture bringing unique designs to the world, combining innovation with style and uncompromising quality. Today, the Maison remains faithful to the spirit of its founder, Louis Vuitton, who invented a genuine “Art of Travel” through luggage, bags and accessories which were as creative as they were elegant and practical.

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4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Under a full moon, individuals from the music, art, film, fashion, sports, and entertainment industries gathered at the historic Castel del Monte in Italy to watch as Alessandro Michele revealed his Gucci Cosmogonie collection.

Music direction by Giovanni Attili curated by Steve Mackey

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

To reveal the latest Gucci Eyewear collection, Billie Eilish sets out on a dreamlike car ride through the scenic Los Angeles landscape. The campaign video culminates in a mysterious meeting involving two vintage cars, two sunglass styles, and two versions of Billie Eilish. One and the same, yet different, the dual personas portray how eyewear, just like cars, can reflect one’s image in an expanded way.

Creative Director: Alessandro Michele 
Art Director: Lina Kutsovskaya
Photographer: Harley Weir

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

“I’ve always been charmed by cinema. For its power to tell stories that can probe human adventure and its drift,” begin Alessandro Michele’s notes on the new Exquisite Gucci campaign, which draws inspiration from a series of iconic films by the late, celebrated sculptor of genres, Stanley Kubrick. Scenes are revisited by the Creative Director and reinhabited by looks from his latest collection for the House, paying homage to the past through imaginative infusions of the present. “I’ve always imagined my collections as films able to convey a cinematography of the present: a score of stories, eclectic and dissonant, that can sacralize the human and its metamorphic ability.”

Creative Director: Alessandro Michele
Art Director: Christopher Simmonds
Photographers & Directors: Mert & Marcus
Models' Make up: Thomas De Kluyver
Models' Hair: Paul Hanlon

With thanks to University of the Arts London, home of the Stanley Kubrick Archive, Warner Bros. Consumer Products, and the Stanley Kubrick Film Archives.

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY and all related characters and elements © & ™ Turner Entertainment Co. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, BARRY LYNDON, EYES WIDE SHUT, THE SHINING and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s22)

Replicas of the original costume designs curated by Milena Canonero and Charlotte Walter


"Title Music from A Clockwork Orange"

(from Purcell's "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary", arr. by Wendy Carlos)

Written and performed by Wendy Carlos, Rachel Elkind

Published by Tempi Music

Performing Rights:  BMI

Courtesy of Serendip LLC

"Clockworks (Bloody Elevators)"

Written and performed by Wendy Carlos, Rachel Elkind

Published by Tempi Music

Performing Rights:  BMI

Courtesy of Serendip LLC

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

In a film envisioned by Creative Director Alessandro Michele, Oscar-winning actress and film producer Jessica Chastain showcases the latest timepieces from the GUCCI 25H collection, as well as the House’s unexpected take on the world of watchmaking.

Creative Director: Alessandro Michele
Art Director: Ezra Petronio
Photographer & Director: Mert & Marcus

Music: Leftfield
“Phat Planet”
(N. Barnes; P. Daley)
© Hard (UK) Hands Publishing Ltd
Courtesy of BMG Rights Management (Italy) srl
(P) 1999 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Things are looking up, as Palace Skateboards brings the House to a new dimension. Under the experimental impetus of Vault, Gucci’s concept store, Creative Director Alessandro Michele has invited the founders of Palace, Lev Tanju and Gareth Skewis, to shake things up by designing a collection with wild abandon.

Prepare for whiplash as the head-turning collection is revealed in a loop of absurdity envisioned by Max Siedentopf. Out-of-this-world and weirdly down-to-earth, the campaign film sees the personas of the rodeo, road, earth, outer space, skate, and sport break status-quo by mixing and mingling in this surreal dimension where Easter eggs and unexpected cameos abound for those in-the-know.

Music Credits:
“Out of Space”
Performed by The Prodigy
Written by Lee Perry, Maurice Smith, Keith Thornton, Cedric Miller, Trevor Randolph, Max Romeo
Published by Charmax Music/Westbury Music, Universal Music Publishing Ricordi Srl, Warner Music Publishing Italy S.r.l., Wonderboy Publishing
Licensed Courtesy of XL Recordings Limited

3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

For over 100 years, the House’s artisans have been crafting luggage to expand upon the creative spark Guccio Gucci had while working as a porter at The Savoy in London. In the latest installment of Gucci’s ‘Making-of’ series, Max Siedentopf captures this connection between the past and present through the artistry that goes into the creation of a Gucci Savoy trolley from the Gucci Valigeria collection.

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

In a special episode of the Gucci Podcast, guest host, creator and entrepreneur, Chriselle Lim is joined in conversation by Olympic champion, author and entrepreneur, Lindsey Vonn. Together, they talk about well-being, mental health and the new Gucci x Oura ring.
Enabling individuals to begin a journey towards self-discovery and holistic wellness, the new Gucci x Oura smart ring monitors heart rate, temperature, and sleep activity, empowering the wearer to unlock their potential through insight and guidance provided by the ŌURA App.

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

As the ever-evolving experimental force taking the heritage of Gucci to unexpected dimensions, Vault has expanded in many directions across the metaverse, including The Sandbox with Gucci Vault Land. From October 27-November 9, the playground of sorts will be open to those in pursuit of surprise and wonder. A manifestation of Vault at 360°, the digital landscape celebrates the careful curation of rare vintage Gucci pieces, the dialogues between contemporary creators and the House, the enthusiasm for NFT artworks, and the magic that arises when all these different facets coalesce and when the communities around them converge.

Discover more

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Harry Styles channels his expressive emotionality to play with the meaning of masculinity in the campaign of the Gucci HA HA HA collection, which the British singer-songwriter and actor envisioned together with Creative Director Alessandro Michele. Clothes are put on, paired with surprising accessories, then cast aside and piled up in a game of dress-up that neither establishes nor recounts classic preconceptions, but rather recasts the men’s wardrobe as a tool for the avant-garde.

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#PradaFW22 is a commemoration of life and living - of the occasion of everyday affording importance to each moment. An ideology of #Prada becomes an etymology of beauty, a history of women.
Set design by AMO
Discover more at
#MiucciaPrada #RafSimons

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Prada guests arrive at the #PradaSS23 show space, a representation of a mocked-up house, blown
overscale executed entirely in raw-edged paper, for the menswear collection presented by #MiucciaPrada and #RafSimons.


1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

The Spring/Summer 2023 Menswear collection by #MiucciaPrada and #RafSimons is an expression of curated processes. Fashion is evoked through context, the juxtaposition of elements and garments, fashioning an impression, creating style. Fashion as a manner, a way as well as a means of appearing. An expression of choice.


2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

#MiucciaPrada, #RafSimons, and director #NicolasWindingRefn discuss their collaboration and the ideas that have inspired each of them, following the Prada Spring/Summer 2023 runway show.​


1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

The Prada Spring/Summer 2023 women’s collection by #MiucciaPrada and #RafSimons presents a sequence of realities - reflections, refractions, observations. Acts of reality.
For this women’s runway show, #Prada invites the viewpoint of film director #NicolasWindingRefn to conceive an experience around the collection. Entailing an immersive installation and the runway show’s physical environs in collaboration with AMO, it is an opportunity for observation and intersection between two creative spheres, an expansion.​


2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Perfect Five Minute Sore Back Release Video.
Shot in Surf Vista Villas, Santa Teresa. Costa Rica

Having a sore back really sucks. It can make your life a living hell. It happens to all of us. If you need lower back pain relief cause your sciatica pain is too much to handle, this beginners yoga will stretch the back pain and tension away in perfect hatha yoga style.

Its a great sunrise morning yoga routine that is not only preventative stretching for back pain but also a miracle lower & upper back pain cure. There are options for intermediate yoga positions like the full wheel and easier modified yoga positions for beginners to experience & learn yoga comfortably. Just relax, breathe deeply, and live in the moment of every stretch. You will see this routine can act as stress relief yoga too.

Remember Yoga is not a competition, and exactly where you are right now in your practice is exactly where you are supposed to be- beginner, novice, or full advanced yogi.

May you release the tension & stiffness out of your back and expand your practice too.



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New episode out now:


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Shot In Beautiful Santa Teresa, Costa Rica
Surf Vista Villas

Video Production- Mark Spicoluk
Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

A beautiful Boho Beautiful yoga class for beginners for easy stretch and stress release.

This 15 min easy yoga flow for beginners is intended to stretch and relax your entire body. Moving through gentle postures, this class is intended for anyone that is looking for a peaceful and relaxing way to end or start their day.

If you're new to yoga, looking for a gentle yoga class for beginners or feel too intimidated by fast paced flow yoga classes, then this class is perfect for you. This class is also great for anyone that is feeling over worked, tired or physically/emotionally drained, as it this gentle yoga class will move at a slow pace, focusing on achieving the deepest stretch possible in each yoga posture.

If you enjoy this easy flow, feel free to check out some of our other beginner easy flow classes to help you get into that super relaxed and calm state of mind:

Easy Morning Yoga ♥

Morning Yoga Perfection ♥

Sore Back Relief ♥

Stress Relief Yoga ♥

Full Yoga, Fitness, & Vegan Food Programs-

#BohoBeautiful #BeginnerYoga #FreeYogaVideos

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* This Video Has Been Sponsored and Approved By Audible*

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Boho Beautiful Life- Our 2nd More Personal Youtube Channel:

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Boho Beautiful is a travel yoga lifestyle channel that is creating positive content for your body, mind, and the earth. Yoga, Wanderlust, Fitness, Vegan food, Conscious Living, and Meditation!

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Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

This 30 minute morning yoga class is the perfect practice to start your day. It is a perfect total body yoga for men and women which has been designed to kick start your day and reconnect to your inner energy.

This feel good yoga class also focuses on building energy and strength through sun salutations, deep twists, and tension releasing asanas. Throughout this morning yoga routine we will move through many different yoga asanas to stimulate detoxification, purification, and relaxation of the mind and body.

Allow yourself this time to find presence, stillness, and strength through fluid movement.

So roll out your mat, grab some water, take a deep breath & lets begin!

Yoga Instructor- Mark Spicoluk
Videography- Juliana Spicoluk

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#BohoBeautiful #feelgoodyoga #yoga

Boho Beautiful is Juliana Spicoluk & Mark Spicoluk

Boho Beautiful Yoga is a yoga fitness lifestyle channel that is creating positive content for your body, mind, and the earth. Yoga, Wanderlust, Fitness, Vegan food, Conscious Living, and Meditation!

Thank you so much for watching and subscribing to our channel!
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Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.

2 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

A 15 minute yoga workout class aimed to strengthen and to stretch your body. Perfect morning yoga to wakeup your body but also great anytime and almost anywhere.

Many people ask what is the best workout to do when you wake up? Is a cardio workout or strength workout better in the morning?

The best morning workout you can do to wake up your body is a combination of heart raising exercises, strength and mixing up stretching yoga poses throughout the workout. This 15 minute strength and stretch yoga class will do exactly that! It will get your heart rate up, get you sweating, working your abs, and stretching your shoulders, hamstrings, and upper body.

If you are looking to cure your morning fatigue, refocus your mind or wake up every muscle in your body to start your day, this is the perfect morning yoga class for you.

Pair this morning yoga workout class with some of my other fitness videos to create an hour long full body workout!


Watch our new podcast Stars+Destruct.
New episode out now:


The following classes below would go great with this video:

Yogalates Beach Bum♥

Effective Upper Body Workout♥

Beach Booty Workout♥

Best Bikini Full Body Burn♥

Remember, if you want results you have to apply two rules and stick to them:
You have to work hard AND eat clean.

I eat a plant based diet (yes im a vegan fitness girl) which helps a lot and i highly recommend it. But the working hard piece comes from within each of us... you have to commit yourself everyday to the idea of achieving whatever healthy look you desire.

Enjoy and comment below to tell me how you feel afterwards. :)


Surf Villa Vistas is where we stay and where this was shot in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica!

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Shot In Surf Vista Villas, Santa Teresa. Costa Rica

Video Production- Mark Spicoluk
Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.

4 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Total Body Yoga Flow | Morning Yoga Class: Awaken

This 20 minute yoga class for everyone is the perfect way to awaken the body in the morning or any time of the day when you feel like you need to increase your flow of energy. An online yoga practice that will allow you to strengthen the body and increase flexibility from the comfort of your own home. This yoga vinyasa flow is all about finding the stability and power in your lower body and challenging the core at the same. That’s right this yoga practice for everyone will also work the abs and core of your body through the challenge of balancing and stability yoga asanas and movements. We will flow, we will breathe, increase flexibility, balance, strength, and find that power from within.

If you are looking to tone and sculpt the body, increase your flexibility, and develop a better balanced practice then this vinyasa yoga flow is for you.

So grab that mat and enjoy!

Video Shot On The Beautiful Rooftop Yoga Studio of Aegialis Hotel & Spa:

Located in Amargos Island, Greece

#BohoBeautiful #morningyoga #yoga

If you enjoy this practice and are looking to add a little more toning and sculpting to your practice, check out these videos below:

Leg Toning Workout:

Abs Challenge:

Cardio Yoga Practice:

Boho Beautiful Yoga Links:
Boho Beautiful Official- Our NEW Streaming Platform & App

Download from your App Store Right Now!
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Get Two FREE Boho Beautiful Books here!

Boho Beautiful Life- Our 2nd More Personal Youtube Channel:

Boho Beautiful RETREAT- Your 7 Day Home Yoga Retreat

Boho Instagram-
Boho Beautiful is a travel yoga lifestyle channel that is creating positive content for your body, mind, and the earth. Yoga, Wanderlust, Fitness, Vegan food, Conscious Living, and Meditation!

Thank you so much for watching and subscribing to our channel!
Connect With Us!

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Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.

3 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

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I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

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I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

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Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you.
Thanks for watching my videos. We are Lovely manga.
I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

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【Related Videos】
Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you.
Thanks for watching my videos. We are Lovely manga.
I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

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#manga #anime #love

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Thanks for watching my videos. We are Manga Character Sprinklers.
I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

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We are supporting a lot of manga artists to make them keep their works, so let’s make this channel bigger together!

If you have any questions, please let us know!

You could give your ideas and thoughts through our email below as well as on the comment!

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Hello, everyone!Nice to meet you
Thanks for watching my videos. We are Manga Character Sprinklers.
I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video!
We are always checking the comments so please feel free to leave your comments!!

We are supporting a lot of manga artists to make them keep their works, so let’s make this channel bigger together!

If you have any questions, please let us know!

You could give your ideas and thoughts through our email below as well as on the comment!

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#manga #comicdub #mangadub #japanesemanga #mangacharactersprinklers

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Hello, everyone!Nice to meet you
Thanks for watching my videos. We are Manga Character Sprinklers.
I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video!
We are always checking the comments so please feel free to leave your comments!!

We are supporting a lot of manga artists to make them keep their works, so let’s make this channel bigger together!

If you have any questions, please let us know!

You could give your ideas and thoughts through our email below as well as on the comment!

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#manga #comicdub #mangadub #japanesemanga #mangacharactersprinklers

1 Pogledi · 2 godine prije

Do not forget to subscribe!

Hello, everyone!Nice to meet you
Thanks for watching my videos. We are Manga Character Sprinklers.
I hope you can enjoy our manga videos on our channel.

Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video!
We are always checking the comments so please feel free to leave your comments!!

We are supporting a lot of manga artists to make them keep their works, so let’s make this channel bigger together!

If you have any questions, please let us know!

You could give your ideas and thoughts through our email below as well as on the comment!

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#manga #comicdub #mangadub #japanesemanga #mangacharactersprinklers

Showing 378 out of 379