Film & Animation

0 Views · 7 months ago

A gokartkirály hivatalos előzetese, amely 2020. március 13-án érkezik a Netflix műsorára. Miután Jack édesanyja új városba költözteti a családot, a 15 éves srác felfedezi a gokartok világát, és minden idejét a versenyzésnek szenteli. Jacknek meg kell tanulnia egy titokzatos múltú, kiöregedett autóversenyző és új barátai segítségével, hogyan uralkodhat az indulatain, hogy megnyerje a nemzeti bajnokságot.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, több mint 167 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven.Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

A gokartkirály | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

Egy tini, miután anyjával új városba költöznek, megismerkedik a gokartversenyek világával, és egy titokzatos múltú korábbi versenyzőtől tanul.

1 Views · 7 months ago

Minden és mindenki megváltozik.

A Marvel Studios filmje novembertől a mozikban!



0 Views · 7 months ago

A filmrendező Malcolm (John David Washington) és a barátnője, Marie (Zendaya) filmbemutatóról térnek haza, és miközben a film kritikai fogadtatására várnak, olyan titkot derülnek ki a kapcsolatukról, amelyek próbára teszik a szerelmüket.

Írta és rendezte Sam Levinson.
A Malcolm és Marie a Netflix műsorán látható:


A Netflixről
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streamingszolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 195 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bárhol és bármikor, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Malcolm és Marie | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

0 Views · 7 months ago

Egy tragikus görögországi autóbalesetet követően Beckett, egy amerikai turista veszélyes politikai összeesküvés kellős közepén találja magát – és a saját élete is veszélyben forog.

Nézd meg a Beckett című filmet kizárólag a Netflix műsorán:


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 208 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven.Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Beckett | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

1 Views · 7 months ago

A Pulitzer-díjas regény alapján készült A láthatatlan fény Marie-Laure Leblanc (Aria Mia Loberti), egy vak francia lány történetét meséli el, aki édesapjával és magának való nagybátyjával keres menedéket a franciaországi St. Malóban. A történet másik hőse Werner (Louis Hofmann), egy zseniális tinédzser, aki jártas a rádiójavításban, és akit besoroznak Hitler seregébe. A lányt és a fiút összeköti egy titkos kapcsolat, amely átvezeti őket a második világháború megrázó történésein.

A láthatatlan fény 2023. november 2-tól látható a Netflix műsorán. A rendező Shawn Levy, a főbb szerepekben pedig Louis Hofmann, Lars Eidinger, Marion Bailey, Hugh Laurie és Mark Ruffalo látható. Első szerepében bemutatkozik Aria Mia Loberti.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streamingszolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 238 millió fizetett díjcsomaggal rendelkező előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat, dokumentumfilmeket és mobiljátékokat nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését akkor és ott, ahol csak akarják – a díjcsomagot pedig bármikor módosíthatják.

A láthatatlan fény | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflix

A II. világháború utolsó napjaiban keresztezik egymást egy vak francia lány és egy német katona útjai. Anthony Doerr Pulitzer-díjas regénye alapján.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Készen állsz arra, hogy ringbe szállj? Nézd meg A legfontosabb meccs című filmet a Netflix műsorán április 10-től.

A 11 éves Leo Thompson (Seth Carr) természetfeletti erőt biztosítő mágikus pankrátormaszkot talál, melynek segítségével benevez egy WWE-versenyre. Nagymamája (Tichina Arnold) támogatásával Leo mindent elkövet azért, hogy valóra váltsa álmát és WWE szupersztár legyen belőle. Megnyerhet-e mindent, a ringben ellene kiálló versenyzőkkel szemben? A LEGFONTOSABB MECCS Rendezte Jay Karas, társszereplők Adam Pally, Ken Marino valamint a WWE szupersztárok Kofi Kingston, Mike “The Miz” Mizanin, Sheamus, Babatunde Aiyegbusi és Leo legnagyobb ellenfele a hatalmas Samson.

Nézd meg A legfontosabb meccset a Netflix műsorán:


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, több mint 167 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven.Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

A legfontosabb meccs | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflix Filmág

1 Views · 7 months ago

Miután a karácsonyi ünnepek idején egy boszorkány a jelenkori Ohióba repíti Sir Cole-t, a középkori lovagot (Josh Whitehouse), barátságot köt Brooke-kal (Vanessa Hudgens) az okos és kedves, ám a szerelemből kiábrándult tanárnővel. Brooke segít Sir Cole-nak eligazodni a modern világban, miközben a lovag megpróbálja beteljesíteni titokzatos küldetését – ami ez egyetlen lehetősége a hazatérésre. Eközben Sir Cole és Brooke egyre közelebb kerülnek egymáshoz. Vajon szerelmük elég erős-e ahhoz, hogy leküzdje a nehézségeket? A karácsonyi lovag 2019. november 21-től a Netflix műsorán.

0 Views · 7 months ago

A kormánya által megbélyegzett rejtélyes titkos ügynöknek vissza kell térnie Franciaországba, amikor a fia hirtlen egy nemzetközi terrorista hálózat célkeresztjébe kerül.

Nézd meg Az utolsó titkos ügynök című filmet Jean-Claude Van Damme-mal a főszerepben. Július 30-tól streamelhető a Netflixen.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 208 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven.Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Az utolsó titkos ügynök | Hivatalos Előzetes | Netflixág

0 Views · 7 months ago

Nézd meg a Halálos harcmező ÚJ hivatalos előzetesét!
Miután megtagadta felettesei parancsát, egy megszégyenült drónpilótát (Damson Idris) egy halálos militarizált övezetbe vezényelnek, ahol egy android tiszt (Anthony Mackie) mellett kell szolgálnia. A feladatuk: megtalálni egy világkatasztrófát előidéző eszközt még mielőtt a lázadók megkaparintanák. A Halálos harcmező rendezője: Michael Hafstrom. A film január 15-től látható a Netflix műsorán.


A Netflixről
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streamingszolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 195 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bárhol és bármikor, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Halálos harcmező | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

A közeli jövőben egy drónpilótát háborús övezetbe küldenek, ahol együtt kell dolgoznia egy titokzatos robotkatonával, hogy megállítsanak egy atomtámadást.

2 Views · 7 months ago

Egy tehetős indiai házaspár (Priyanka Chopra Jonas és Rajkummar Rao) ambiciózus és furfangos sofőrje (Adarsh Gourav) az eszét felhasználva tör ki a szegénységből, majd saját vállalkozásba kezd. A Fehér Tigris Aravind Adiga sikerkönyvén alapszik, a forgatókönyvet írta és a filmet rendezte Ramin Bahrani, a vezető producer szerepét pedig Ava DuVernay, Priyanka Chopra Jonas és Mukul Deora producer töltötte be.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, több mint 195 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven.Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

A Fehér Tigris | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

A bestseller regény alapján készült filmben egy gazdag indiai család ambiciózus sofőrje esze és ravaszsága segítségével tör ki a szegénységből.

0 Views · 7 months ago

2123, Magyarország. Az emberiség túlélésének kegyetlen ára van. Egy férfi minden szabályt áthág, hogy megmentse a felesége életét.

Március 30-tól a mozikban!



0 Views · 7 months ago

A jég ellen a barátság, a szerelem és a kötődés döbbenetes erejének igaz történetét meséli el, amint két férfi elindul, hogy bebizonyítsa, Grönland egy sziget. A túlélésért folytatott küzdelmükben azonban szélsőséges körülményekkel kell szembenézniük.

Nézd meg A jég ellen című filmet március 2-től kizárólag a Netflix műsorán:


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streaming szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 214 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat, dokumentumfilmeket és mobiljátékokat nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bárhol és bármikor, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

A jég ellen | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

2 Views · 7 months ago

Egy nővér (az Oscar®-díjas Jessica Chastain) a saját életét kockáztatja, hogy kiderítse az igazságot, amikor azt kezdi el gyanítani, hogy kollégája (az Oscar®-díjas Eddie Redmayne) egy sor titokzatos halálesetért felelős ebben a magával ragadó, valós eseményeken alapuló thrillerben.

Nézd meg A másik nővér című filmet a Netflix műsorán október 26-tól.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streaming szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 221 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat, dokumentumfilmeket és mobiljátékokat nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bárhol és bármikor, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.
Sigue a Netflix Latinoamérica en:

A másik nővér | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

Egy túlterhelt intenzíves nővér egyre több mindent bíz önzetlen új kollégájára a munkahelyén és otthon, amíg egy páciens váratlan halála fel nem kelti a gyanakvását.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Amikor Mari Gilbert (akit az Oscar-díjra jelölt Amy Ryan alakít) lánya eltűnik, a rendőrség tehetetlensége miatt az anya saját maga kezd nyomozni az elzárt Long Island-i közösségben, ahol Shannant utoljára látták. Kutatása több mint egy tucat meggyilkolt szexmunkás esetére derít fényt. Az Oscar-díjra jelölt filmkészítő, Liz Garbus Elveszett lányok című filmjét megtörtént események ihlették.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, több mint 167 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven.Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Elveszett lányok | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

Az elszánt anya az igazságot akarja kideríteni, hogy megtalálja eltűnt lányát, de közben egy sor megoldatlan gyilkosságot is segít felgöngyölíteni. Igaz történet alapján.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Martin Scorsese Az ír című szervezett bűnözést körüljáró eposza Robert de Niro, Al Pacino és Joe Pesci főszereplésével a háború után Amerikát mutatja be Frank Sheeran, egy második világháborús veterán, és a XX. század leghírhedtebb alakjainak dolgozó simlis és bérgyilkos szemén át. Az évtizedeket átölelő történet az amerikai történelem egyik legnagyobb megoldatlan rejtélyének, a legendás szakszervezeti vezető, Jimmi Hoffa eltűnésének krónikája. Felejthetetlen monumentális utazás a szervezett bűnözés machinációinak, viszályainak és a nagypolitikához fűződő kapcsolatainak rejtett bugyrain át.

1 Views · 7 months ago

Az elsöprő erejű fantasy sorozatban a fiatal lovagjelölt (Amir Wilson) a királyság sorsát megpecsételő titokzatos levelet kap, amelyet szeretne eljuttatni a királynak. Hősies útja során semmi nem állíthatja meg abban, hogy megakadályozza, hogy a világ sötétségbe süllyedjen. A Levél a királynak bemutatója március 20-án lesz kizárólag a Netflix műsorán.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Anna Fox (Amy Adams) leginkább akkor érzi magát biztonságban, ha az ablaka mögül szemléli a világot. Egészen addig, amíg a Russel család beköltözik az utca másik oldalán álló házba, és ő valami elképzelhetetlennek lesz a szemtanúja. A kérdés az, mi történt valójában?

Nézd meg a Nő az ablakban című filmet, kizárólag a Netflix műsorán:


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 204 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Nő az ablakban | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

Az agorafóbiában szenvedő pszichológus új szomszédai megszállottjává válik, és mindenáron meg akarja oldani a brutális bűntényt, amelynek szemtanúja lesz az ablakból.

1 Views · 7 months ago

A bujkáló Assane-nak meg kell tanulnia távol lenni a feleségétől és a fiától. Assane nem bírja tovább elviselni a gondolatot, hogy szerettei miatta szenvednek, ezért úgy dönt, visszatér Párizsba, hogy őrült javaslatot tesz nekik: hagyják el Franciaországot, és kezdjenek új életet máshol. De a múlt szellemei sosincsenek messze, és egy váratlan visszatérés fenekestül felforgatja terveit.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streamingszolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 238 millió fizetett díjcsomaggal rendelkező előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat, dokumentumfilmeket és mobiljátékokat nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését akkor és ott, ahol csak akarják – a díjcsomagot pedig bármikor módosíthatják.

Lupin: 3. évad | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflix

Miközben a média és a rendőrség Claire-re és Raoulra figyel, a szökésben lévő Assane a távolból próbálja megvédeni őket – régi ellenségei pedig igyekeznek meghiúsítani a terveit.

0 Views · 7 months ago

A JÁTSZMA június 9-től a mozikban!

1963, Budapest. Az állambiztonság tisztje, Jung András (Nagy Zsolt) élete tökéletes: boldogan él feleségével, Évával (Hámori Gabriella), és az egyetlen dolog, ami előléptetését hátráltatja egy versengő kolléga, Kulcsár (Scherer Péter). Amikor felbukkan a múltból egy lezáratlan ügy kapcsán a legendás kém, Markó Pál (Kulka János), fordulat fordulatot követ, és kezdetét veszi egy könyörtelen párharc, ahol senki és semmi nem az, aminek látszik, és egyetlen emberi gesztus az életedbe kerülhet.

A tíz évvel ezelőtt bemutatott A vizsga főszereplői visszatérnek: hiába telt el annyi idő, ők továbbra is veszélyes és ravasz emberek maradtak.

Főszereplők: Kulka János, Hámori Gabriella, Nagy Zsolt, Staub Viktória, Scherer Péter
Zene: Asher Goldschmidt
Operatőr: Nagy András H.S.C.
Látvány: Vinnai Petra
Vágó: Kovács Zoltán H.S.E.
Írta: Köbli Norbert
Rendezte: Fazakas Péter

Mozibemutató: 2022. június 9.
Magyar thriller
Gyártó: Film Postive Productions

0 Views · 7 months ago

Íme a világ utolsó védelme. Egy katonatisztnek minden taktikai tudását és katonai szakértelmét fel kell használnia, amikor egyidejű koordinált támadás fenyegeti a rakétavédelmi állomást, amelynek ő a parancsnoka. A Matthew Reilly rendezésében készült AZ ELFOGÁS főszerepében Elsa Pataky és Luke Bracey látható. Nézd meg a Netflix műsorán június 3-tól.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streaming szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 222 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat, dokumentumfilmeket és mobiljátékokat nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bárhol és bármikor, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

AZ ELFOGÁS | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

1 Views · 7 months ago

Egy tisztességtelen törvényes képviselő mindenükből kiforgatja idősödő kuncsaftjait, azonban méltó ellenfélre talál, amikor kiderül, hogy legújabb célpontja sokkal több annál, mint aminek látszik. Főszerepben Rosamund Pike, Peter Dinklage, Eiza González, Dianne Wiest és Chris Messina.

Fontos vagy nekem a Netflix műsorán:


A Netflixről
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streamingszolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 195 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bárhol és bármikor, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Fontos vagy nekem | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

1 Views · 7 months ago

Egy ambiciózus, napjainkban élő újságírónő (Felicity Jones) felfedezi egy 60-as évekbeli pár (Shailene Woodley és Callum Turner) tiltott szerelmének történetét, miután titkos szerelmes levelekre bukkan. A Jojo Moyes elsöprő romantikus regényéből készült adaptációban feltűnik még Joe Alwyn és Nabhaan Rizwan is.

Nézd meg Az utolsó szerelmes levél című filmet kizárólag a Netflix műsorán július 23-tól.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető streaming szórakoztató szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 208 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat és dokumentumfilmeket nagy választékban és számos nyelven.Az előfizetők korlátozás nélkül tekinthetik meg a tartalmakat, bármikor és bárhol, bármilyen internethez csatlakozó, képernyővel rendelkező eszközön. Az előfizetők emellett bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését – reklámok és hűségidő nélkül.

Az utolsó szerelmes levél | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflixág

1 Views · 7 months ago

Debbie és Peter legjobb barátok és egymás tökéletes ellentétei. A nő rutinra vágyik a fiával Los Angelesben, a férfit a változás élteti New Yorkban. Amikor egy hétre házat és életet cserélnek, rájönnek, hogy amire saját maguk szerint vágynak, talán mégsem az, amire valóban szükségük van.

Nézd meg a Nálad vagy nálam? című filmet február 10-től a Netflix műsorán.


A Netflixről:
A Netflix a világ vezető szórakoztató streaming szolgáltatása, amely több mint 190 országban, 223 millió előfizető számára kínál filmeket, tévésorozatokat, dokumentumfilmeket és mobiljátékokat nagy választékban és számos nyelven. Az előfizetők bármikor elindíthatják, megállíthatják és folytathatják a tartalmak megtekintését akkor és ott, ahol csak akarják – a díjcsomagot pedig bármikor módosíthatják.

Nálad vagy nálam? | Hivatalos előzetes | Netflix

Debbie és Peter, a két jó barát, akik egymás totális ellentétei, otthont cserélnek egy hétre. Bepillantást nyernek egymás életébe, ami talán megnyitja az ajtót a szerelem előtt.

1 Views · 7 months ago

Two sisters go diving at a beautiful, remote location. One of the sisters is struck by a rock, leaving her trapped 28 meters below. With dangerously low levels of oxygen and cold temperatures, it is up to her sister to fight for her life.

THE DIVE Trailer (2023) New Movie Trailers 4K
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#movies #trailers

2 Views · 7 months ago

Offizieller "The Creator" Trailer Deutsch German 2023 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: The Creator) Movie Trailer | Kino: 28 Sep 2023 | Filminfos
Beschrieben als postapokalyptischer Thriller, der in einer Zukunft spielt, die von einem Krieg zwischen Menschen und KI geprägt ist.

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Note | #TheCreator German #Trailer courtesy of Walt Disney Company. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

2 Views · 7 months ago

Eine Zusammenstellung der besten neuen KINOFILME 2023 auf Deutsch German | Abonnieren ➤ | Movie Trailer | Filminfos

In dieser Compilation enthalten sind:
00:00 Neue KINOFILME 2023
00:03 Dune 2
02:56 Meg 2: Die Tiefe
05:45 The Equalizer 3
08:05 Five Nights at Freddys
10:23 Oppenheimer
13:19 Barbie
15:52 Rehragout-Rendezvous
17:46 Kraven the Hunter
20:06 The Expendables 4
22:03 Die letzte Fahrt der Demeter
24:21 Insidious: The Red Door
25:44 Kandahar
27:01 The Creator
29:24 Mission Impossible 7: Dead Reckoning
31:45 Challengers: Rivalen
33:55 Next Goal Wins
36:05 Talk to Me
37:57 Love Again
40:20 The Marvels
42:11 Retribution
44:06 Die Farbe Lila
46:22 Daliland
48:09 Jeanne du Barry
49:57 A Haunting in Venice
51:51 Geistervilla
54:13 Paw Patrol: Der Mighty Kinofilm
56:17 Trolls 3: Gemeinsam Stark
58:27 Wish
01:00:11 Elio
01:02:19 Operation White Christmas
01:03:38 Last Contact
01:05:26 One for the Road
01:07:10 Trauzeugen
01:09:11 Black Box

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Note | All trailers with courtesy of the rightholders. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

0 Views · 7 months ago

This Summer, meet the residents of Element City

Watch the new trailer for Disney and Pixar’s #Elemental and see the movie in 3D, only in theaters June 16!

Check out a brand-new trailer for Disney and Pixar’s “Elemental,” an all-new original feature film that transports moviegoers to an extraordinary place called Element City, where a host of elements live and work. The trailer showcases each element—air, earth, water and fire—and what sets them apart according to Ember, a quick-witted and fiery woman who’s always stayed close to home in Firetown. In “Elemental,” which opens in theaters on June 16, she finally ventures out of her comfort zone to explore this spectacular world born from the imaginations of Pixar’s filmmakers and specifically crafted for the big-screen experience. Element City is inspired by big cities around the globe and embraces theorized contributions from each elemental community—from giant pine-tree-like buildings and waterfall skyscrapers to a tornado-shaped arena called Cyclone Stadium.

Joining the previously announced voice cast including Leah Lewis and Mamoudou Athie as Ember and Wade, respectively, are Ronnie del Carmen as Ember’s soon-to-be retired dad, Bernie; Shila Ommi as Ember’s love-seeking mom, Cinder; Wendi McLendon-Covey as Wade’s stormy and Air-Ball-loving boss, Gale; Catherine O’Hara as Wade’s welcoming mom, Brook; Mason Wertheimer as Ember’s admiring earth neighbor, Clod; and Joe Pera as an overgrown city bureaucrat, Fern.

Directed by Peter Sohn, produced by Denise Ream, p.g.a., and executive produced by Pete Docter, “Elemental” features a screenplay by John Hoberg & Kat Likkel and Brenda Hsueh with story by Sohn, Hoberg & Likkel and Hsueh. The film’s original score was composed and conducted by Thomas Newman.

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Copyright: (C) Disney•Pixar

0 Views · 7 months ago

Offizieller "Wochenendrebellen" Trailer Deutsch German 2023 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: Wochenendrebellen) Movie Trailer | Kino: 28 Sep 2023 | Filminfos
Mirco von Juterczenkas Roman „Wir Wochenendrebellen“ erzählt der Film von einem Vater und seinem zehnjährigen Sohn, der Asperger-Autist ist. Der Junge hat sich in den Kopf gesetzt, endlichen seinen Fußball-Lieblingsverein ausfindig zu machen. Doch seine Auswahlkriterien sind sehr speziell und zudem will er alle Vereine (ganz gleich, in welcher Liga sie spielen) live im Stadion erleben.

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Note | #Wochenendrebellen German #Trailer courtesy of Leonine. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

0 Views · 7 months ago


From writer/director Kristoffer Borgli and starring Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage, Julianne Nicholson, Michael Cera, Tim Meadows, Dylan Gelula and Dylan Baker. DREAM SCENARIO – Coming Soon.

RELEASE DATE: November 10, 2023
DIRECTOR: Kristoffer Borgli
CAST: Nicolas Cage, Julianne Nicholson, Michael Cera, Tim Meadows, Dylan Gelula and Dylan Baker

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Coming Soon: Dicks: The Musical, Priscilla, The Zone of Interest, The Iron Claw

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5 Views · 7 months ago

► Warner Bros. präsentiert den offiziellen #Trailer zum Film MEG 2► ► MEG 2 – Jetzt im Kino! Abonniere den WARNER BROS. DE Kanal für aktuelle Kinotrailer.

In diesem Sommer wartet der ultimative Adrenalinkick: „MEG 2: DIE TIEFE“, die Fortsetzung des Blockbusters von 2018, übertrumpft den ersten Teil in Sachen Nervenkitzel und Action noch und treibt die Spannung in neue Höhen (und Tiefen). Was ist besser als ein Riesenhai? Ganz einfach: viele Riesenhaie!
Die Zuschauer tauchen mit Jason Statham und der weltbekannten Action-Ikone Wu Jing in unerforschte Gewässer ein: Als Leiter eines Forschungsteams unternehmen die beiden Helden einen waghalsigen Erkundungstauchgang in die tiefsten Tiefen des Ozeans. Doch ihre Reise endet im Chaos, als ein skrupelloser Minenkonzern ihre Mission durchkreuzt und sie sich in einem unerbittlichen Kampf ums Überleben wiederfinden. In einem furiosen Wettlauf gegen die Zeit sehen sich die Protagonisten mit gigantischen Megs und rücksichtslosen Umweltzerstörern konfrontiert. Wird es ihnen gelingen, ihre Gegner zu überlisten und – buchstäblich – Oberwasser zu bekommen? Sicher ist jedenfalls: Mit „MEG 2: DIE TIEFE“ taucht schon bald das elektrisierendste Kino-Highlight des Sommers auf – und nimmt direkten Kurs aufs Publikum!
In „MEG 2: DIE TIEFE“, präsentiert von Warner Bros. Pictures und CMC Pictures, führen Statham und Jing ein Ensemble an, zu dem unter anderem auch Sophia Cai („Meg“), Page Kennedy („Meg“), Sergio Peris-Mencheta („Rambo: Last Blood“), Skyler Samuels („The Gifted“), Sienna Guillory („Resident Evil“-Filme) und Cliff Curtis („Avatar“-Franchise) gehören.
„MEG 2: DIE TIEFE“ wurde von Ben Wheatley („In the Earth“, „Free Fire“) nach einem Drehbuch von Jon Hoeber & Erich Hoeber („Meg“, „Transformers: Aufstieg der Bestien“) und Dean Georgaris („Meg“, „Lara Croft – Tomb Raider: Die Wiege des Lebens“) inszeniert. Das Script basiert auf einer Geschichte von Dean Georgaris und Jon Hoeber & Erich Hoeber, die ihrerseits auf der Romanvorlage „The Trench“ von Steve Alten beruht. Der Film wurde von Lorenzo di Bonaventura („Meg“, „Bumblebee“) und Belle Avery („Meg“, „Tödliche Entscheidung“) produziert. Ausführende Produzenten waren Jason Statham, Cate Adams, Ruigang Li, Catherine Xujun Ying, Wu Jing, E. Bennett Walsh, Erik Howsam, Randy Greenberg und Gerald R. Molen.
Zu Regisseur Wheatleys Team hinter den Kulissen gehörten Kameramann Haris Zambarloukos („Belfast“, „Mord im Orient-Express“), Produktionsdesigner Chris Lowe („The Gray Man“, „James Bond 007: Keine Zeit zu sterben“ und Editor Jonathan Amos („Baby Driver“, „Paddington 2“). Für die visuellen Effekte zeichnete Pete Bebb („Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind“, „Inception“) verantwortlich. Die Kostüme entwarf Lindsay Pugh („Matrix Resurrections“, „Krypton“). Die Musik stammt von Harry Gregson-Williams („Meg“, „Der Marsianer: Rettet Mark Watney“).
Warner Bros. Pictures und CMC Pictures präsentieren in Zusammenarbeit mit DF Pictures einer Produktion von Di Bonaventura/Apelles Entertainment Inc.: „MEG 2: DIE TIEFE“ von Ben Wheatley.
Den weltweiten Vertrieb übernimmt Warner Bros. Pictures.

Folge #MEG2 auf:
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► Warner Bros. Pictures präsentiert:
Film Release: Jetzt im Kino!
Genre: Science-Fiction

► Gefällt euch der Trailer zum zweiten Teil von MEG mit #JasonStatham? Dann hinterlasst einen Kommentar oder abonniert den Warner Bros. DE Kanal.

Hier findet ihr den Trailer zu DUNE: Part TWO:

0 Views · 7 months ago

First movie trailer for Wonderwell starring Carrie Fisher, Rita Ora.

3 Views · 7 months ago

Emily Blunt, Chris Evans, Catherine O’Hara, and Andy Garcia star in PAIN HUSTLERS. Only on Netflix October 27.

Dreaming of a better life for her and her young daughter, Liza (Emily Blunt) lands a job from Pete (Chris Evans) at a failing pharma start-up, where Liza’s charm, drive, and guts catapult her into the high life and the company into the center of a criminal conspiracy with dire consequences.
Georgia’s Film Works Video:


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Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services with over 238 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.

Pain Hustlers | Emily Blunt + Chris Evans | Official Trailer | Netflix

A broke but ambitious single mom lands a lucrative opportunity in pharma sales, but how far will she go to turn a potent new painkiller into a success?

0 Views · 7 months ago

Presenting the most anticipated official Kannada trailer of Thalapathy Vijay's "LEO"

#LeoKannadaTrailer #ThalapathyVijay #LokeshKanagaraj #Anirudh #sanjaydutt #arjunsarja
#trisha #trishakrishnan

Movie : Leo
Starring - Thalapathy Vijay, Sanjay Dutt, Trisha, Arjun, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Mysskin, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand

Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj
Music : Anirudh Ravichander
Producer : Lalit Kumar
Co Producer : Jagadish Palanisamy
Banner : Seven Screen Studio
Director of Photography : Manoj Paramahamsa
Action : Anbariv
Editor : Philomin Raj
Art Direction : N. Sathees Kumar
Choreography : Dinesh
Costume designers - Pallavi Singh, Eka Lakhani, Praveen Raja
Dialogue Writer : Lokesh Kanagaraj, Rathna Kumar, Deeraj Vaidy
PRO : Riaz K Ahmed
Publicity Designer : Gopi Prasannaa
Sound Designer : SYNC Cinema
Sound Mixing : Kannan Ganapat
Production Controller : KTS Swaminathan
Executive Producer : Ramkumar Balasubramanian
Associate Director : Santhosh Krishnan, Sathya, Immanuel Prakash, Rohith Surya
Colorist ; Glen Castinho
Asst Colorist ;Siva Sankar

1 Views · 7 months ago

Best Upcoming Movies 2023 (Trailers)

Films Included :

00:00 Best Movie Trailers 2023 (Trailers)
00:06 Kraven the Hunter
03:00 Challengers
05:15 The Equalizer 3
08:10 Meg 2 The Trench
10:59 Heart of Stone
13:27 Dumb Money
16:23 The Beanie Bubble
18:50 Paw Patrol 2 The Mighty Movie
21:03 Priscilla
21:48 Shortcomings
23:51 Elio
26:00 Landscape With Invisible Hand
28:32 Gray Matter
30:20 See You On Venus
32:11 Wildflower
34:38 Deltopia
36:31 Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar
38:01 The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse: Steamboat Silly
39:00 The Last Voyage of the Demeter Dracula Movie
41:23 Blue Beetle
44:03 Godzilla x Kong The New Empire - Godzilla Vs Kong 2
44:38 Dune 2

2 Views · 7 months ago

ONE LIFE tells the true story of Sir Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Winton, a young London broker played by Johnny Flynn, who, along with Trevor Chadwick (played by Alex Sharp) and Doreen Warinner (played by Romola Garai) of the British Committee for Refugees in Czechoslovakia, rescued 669 children from the Nazis in the months leading up to World War II,. Nicky visited Prague in December 1938 and found families who had fled the rise of the Nazis in Germany and Austria, living in desperate conditions with little or no shelter and food, and under threat of Nazi invasion. He immediately realised it was a race against time. How many children could he and the team rescue before the borders closed?

Fifty years later, it’s 1988 and Nicky (played by Anthony Hopkins) lives haunted by the fate of the children he wasn’t able to bring to safety in England; always blaming himself for not doing more. It’s not until a live BBC television show, ‘That’s Life!’, surprises him by introducing him to some surviving children – now adults – that he finally begins to come to terms with the guilt and grief he had carried for five decades.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Presenting the most anticipated official Telugu trailer of Thalapathy Vijay's "LEO"

#LeoTeluguTrailer #ThalapathyVijay #LokeshKanagaraj #Anirudh #sanjaydutt #arjunsarja
#trisha #trishakrishnan

Movie : Leo
Starring - Thalapathy Vijay, Sanjay Dutt, Trisha, Arjun, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Mysskin, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand

Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj
Music : Anirudh Ravichander
Producer : Lalit Kumar
Co Producer : Jagadish Palanisamy
Banner : Seven Screen Studio
Director of Photography : Manoj Paramahamsa
Action : Anbariv
Editor : Philomin Raj
Art Direction : N. Sathees Kumar
Choreography : Dinesh
Costume designers - Pallavi Singh, Eka Lakhani, Praveen Raja
Dialogue Writer : Lokesh Kanagaraj, Rathna Kumar, Deeraj Vaidy
PRO : Riaz K Ahmed
Publicity Designer : Gopi Prasannaa
Sound Designer : SYNC Cinema
Sound Mixing : Kannan Ganapat
Production Controller : KTS Swaminathan
Executive Producer : Ramkumar Balasubramanian
Associate Director : Santhosh Krishnan, Sathya, Immanuel Prakash, Rohith Surya
Colorist ; Glen Castinho
Asst Colorist ;Siva Sankar

1 Views · 7 months ago

Alien: Romulus (2024) Trailer | 20th Century Studios | Hulu Originals

"In Space No One Can Hear You Scream"

credits go to
Caden Butera
Recursion - Sci-fi Horror Short

Music by
No Copyright free music by
Power Music Factory


No copyright is claimed in this video and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws.

0 Views · 7 months ago

From writer-director Jeff Nichols (“Loving,” “Midnight Special,” “Mud”), 20th Century Studios and New Regency, “The Bikeriders” is a furious drama following the rise of a fictional 1960s Midwestern motorcycle club through the lives of its members, starring Jodie Comer (“Killing Eve,” “The Last Duel”), Austin Butler (“Elvis”) and Tom Hardy (“Mad Max: Fury Road,” “The Revenant”).

“The Bikeriders” opens in U.S. theaters on December 1.

3 Views · 7 months ago

Killers of the Flower Moon. In theaters October 20.

Based on David Grann’s broadly lauded best-selling book, Killers of the Flower Moon is set in 1920s Oklahoma and depicts the serial murder of members of the oil-wealthy Osage Nation, a string of brutal crimes that came to be known as the Reign of Terror.

Directed by Martin Scorsese and Screenplay by Eric Roth and Scorsese, the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Lily Gladstone, Jesse Plemons, Tantoo Cardinal, Cara Jade Myers, JaNae Collins, and Jillian Dion.

Hailing from Apple Studios, Killers of the Flower Moon was produced alongside Imperative Entertainment, Sikelia Productions and Appian Way. Producers are Scorsese, Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas and Daniel Lupi, with DiCaprio, Rick Yorn, Adam Somner, Marianne Bower, Lisa Frechette, John Atwood, Shea Kammer and Niels Juul serving as executive producers.

#KillersOfTheFlowerMoon #Trailer

2 Views · 7 months ago

Vengeance meets his equal.⌚️ Denzel Washington is back as Robert McCall in the final chapter of The Equalizer. #TheEqualizer3, exclusively in movie theaters this Fall.

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Since giving up his life as a government assassin, Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) has struggled to reconcile the horrific things he’s done in the past and finds a strange solace in serving justice on behalf of the oppressed. Finding himself surprisingly at home in Southern Italy, he discovers his new friends are under the control of local crime bosses. As events turn deadly, McCall knows what he has to do: become his friends’ protector by taking on the mafia.

Directed by: Antoine Fuqua

Written by: Richard Wenk

Based on the television series created by Michael Sloan and Richard Lindheim

Produced by:
Todd Black
Jason Blumenthal
Denzel Washington
Antoine Fuqua
Steve Tisch
Clayton Townsend
Alex Siskin
Tony Eldridge

Executive Producer:
David Bloomfield
Tarak Ben Ammar
Andy Mitchell

Denzel Washington
Dakota Fanning
David Denman

#TheEqualizer #TheEqualizer3 #DenzelWashington #SonyPictures #Sony #AntoineFuqua #DakotaFanning #DavidDenman #OfficialTrailer #Trailer

1 Views · 7 months ago

Presenting the most anticipated official trailer of Thalapathy Vijay's "LEO"

#LeoOfficialTrailer #ThalapathyVijay #LokeshKanagaraj #Anirudh #sanjaydutt #arjunsarja
#trisha #trishakrishnan #LeoTrailer #mysskin #gouthammenon #priyaanand

Movie: Leo
Starring - Thalapathy Vijay, Sanjay Dutt, Trisha, Arjun, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Mysskin, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand

Written & Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj
Music : Anirudh Ravichander
Producer: Lalit Kumar
Co Producer : Jagadish Palanisamy
Banner : Seven Screen Studio
Director of Photography : Manoj Paramahamsa
Action : Anbariv
Editor : Philomin Raj
Art Direction : N. Sathees Kumar
Choreography : Dinesh
Costume designers - Pallavi Singh, Eka Lakhani, Praveen Raja
Dialogue Writer : Lokesh Kanagaraj, Rathna Kumar, Deeraj Vaidy
PRO : Riaz K Ahmed
Publicity Designer : Gopi Prasannaa
Sound Designer : SYNC Cinema
Sound Mixing : Kannan Ganapat
Production Controller : KTS Swaminathan
Executive Producer : Ramkumar Balasubramanian
Associate Director : Santhosh Krishnan, Sathya, Immanuel Prakash, Rohith Surya
Colorist ; Glen Castinho
Asst Colorist ;Siva Sankar

2 Views · 7 months ago

Back to the Future 4 Movie Trailer

"They're back in time."
Movie trailer concept for the highly anticipated sequel to the Back to the Future trilogy, Back to the Future Part IV.

Would you want to see Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyde return as Marty McFly and Doc Brown in a new Back to the Future movie [Leave a Like]? Hope you enjoy, please do share!

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Thumbnail art by Khyzyl Saleem, go follow for more amazing artwork!

Back to the Future is an American science fiction adventure comedy film series written and directed by Robert Zemeckis, produced by Bob Gale and Neil Canton for Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment, and distributed by Universal Pictures. The franchise follows the adventures of a high school student, Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), an eccentric scientist, Doctor Emmett L. Brown (Christopher Lloyd), as they use a DeLorean time machine to time travel to different periods in the history of Hill Valley, California.


Many fans thought a fourth "Back to the Future" movie could be in the works when one of the lead actors in the originals, Christopher Lloyd who played Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown, posted references to the movies on social media. Michael J. Fox posted on Instagram the day after saying, "Doc and I are up to something heavy…"

It turned out they were teasing a Back to the Future themed store. When one fan replied to his tweet saying. "Please please don't say you're remaking BTTF," Lloyd wrote, "We are not."

Fans have always wondered about why there wouldn’t be another installment when every other beloved franchises seems to keep going back to the well. In a interview co-writer of the series Bob Gale explained why the fourth movie would never happen: They had already told a complete story with the original trilogy.

Michael J. Fox is obviously a big part of it. But, you could just recast it right? There was that Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. deep fake people seemed to like.

But the point stands. The film will always be compared to the original and never live on its own. That’s just a fact. As a result, it’ll always be considered inferior or, hypothetical though unlikely, will lessen the legacy of the original.

There are so few franchises or characters that haven’t been watered down in the past 30 years that it’s refreshing to have a franchise like Back to the Future which can just remain those three beloved movies. Plus, if you really want more Back to the Future, it’s out there. There are comic books, video games, even a freaking Broadway musical. Plenty of other ways the story has been continued without a movie. Those things feel like the best of both worlds—more of that thing you love without actually affecting the original.

A short movie was released titled Doc Brown Saves the World, officially created by Universal Studios and starring Christopher Lloyd, reprising his role of Dr. Emmett Brown and set entirely in his secret lab outside Hill Valley. The short movie takes place thirty years after the trilogy. Doc Brown Saves the World is the only official movie sequel to the trilogy that has ever been created.


*This video is a parody and as a derivative work, parodies are covered as a Fair Use of material.*

#BackToTheFuture #MartyMcFly #OfficialTrailer #Trailer #Smasher

0 Views · 7 months ago

Offizieller "Argylle" Trailer Deutsch German 2024 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: Argylle) Movie Trailer | Kino: 1 Feb 2024 | Filminfos
Ein Weltklasse-Spion, der an einer Amnesie leidet, wird hereingelegt... Er glaubt, er sei ein Bestseller-Autor von Spionageromanen. Nachdem seine Erinnerungen und tödlichen Fähigkeiten zurückkehren, begibt er sich auf einen Rachefeldzug gegen die Schattenorganisation, für die er früher gearbeitet hat, "The Division".

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Note | #Argylle #HenryCavill German #Trailer courtesy of Universal Pictures. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

3 Views · 7 months ago

It is the summer of 1957. Behind the spectacle of Formula 1, ex-racer Enzo Ferrari is in crisis. Bankruptcy threatens the factory he and his wife, Laura built from nothing ten years earlier. Their volatile marriage has been battered by the loss of their son, Dino a year earlier. Ferrari struggles to acknowledge his son Piero with Lina Lardi. Meanwhile, his drivers' passion to win pushes them to the edge as they launch into the treacherous 1,000-mile race across Italy, the Mille Miglia.

In Theaters Christmas

Directed by Michael Mann
Written by Troy Kennedy Martin
Starring Adam Driver, Penélope Cruz, Shailene Woodley, Sarah Gordon, Gabriel Leone, Jack O'Connell, Patrick Dempsey


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0 Views · 7 months ago

A romantic crime thriller pitting unhappy newlywed Lina against her rich, coldhearted mother-in-law Katherine. An affair sets off a chain reaction that will result in a love triangle, a murder and plot to bring Lina down. But who is the real victim and who can Lina trust?


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Locked In | Official Trailer | Netflix

1 Views · 7 months ago

The plot follows the experiences of Hana Loshe, a commander of a research team on a planet 18.6 billion miles away from Earth. Hana Loshe will fall by accident in a subway base where she will discover all the horrors that the base hides.

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2 Views · 7 months ago

Top Upcoming Movies 2023 Trailer Compilation | Subscribe ➤ | Movie Trailer | More

Included in this compilation are
00:00 The Best Upcoming Movies 2023
00:03 Strays
01:20 The Exorcist: Believer
04:13 King of Killers
06:14 Saw X
08:38 The Engineer
10:45 The Marvels
12:57 Migration
15:50 Napoleon
18:09 The Musical
20:01 Scooby-Doo! and Krypto, Too!
21:25 Mob Land
23:36 Wonka
25:55 The Good Mother
28:06 Miguel Wants To Fight
29:51 Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match
31:53 Nandor Fodor & The Talking Mongoose
34:03 Love In Taipei
36:25 The Creator
38:43 Dear David

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Note | Courtesy of all Involved Publishers | All Rights Reserved. | are affiliate-links. That add no additional cost to you, but will support our work through a small commission. | #KinoCheck®

0 Views · 7 months ago

Don’t let the cat out of the bag. #ArgylleMovie, in theaters February 2, 2024.

Only In Theaters February 2

The greater the spy, the bigger the lie.

From the twisted mind of Matthew Vaughn (Kingsman franchise, Kick-Ass) comes Argylle, a razor-witted, reality-bending, globe-encircling spy thriller.

Bryce Dallas Howard (Jurassic World franchise) is Elly Conway, the reclusive author of a series of best-selling espionage novels, whose idea of bliss is a night at home with her computer and her cat, Alfie. But when the plots of Elly’s fictional books—which center on secret agent Argylle and his mission to unravel a global spy syndicate—begin to mirror the covert actions of a real-life spy organization, quiet evenings at home become a thing of the past.

Accompanied by Aiden (Oscar® winner Sam Rockwell), a cat-allergic spy, Elly (carrying Alfie in her backpack) races across the world to stay one step ahead of the killers as the line between Elly’s fictional world and her real one begins to blur.

The top-flight ensemble cast features Henry Cavill (The Witcher), John Cena (Fast X), Oscar® winner Ariana DeBose (West Side Story), Grammy winning pop superstar Dua Lipa (Barbie), Emmy winner and Oscar® nominee Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Emmy winner and comedy icon Catherine O’Hara (Schitt’s Creek), Sofia Boutella (Kingsman: The Secret Service), and the legendary Samuel L. Jackson. Alfie is played by Chip, the real-life cat of supermodel Claudia Vaughn (née Schiffer).

Argylle is directed and produced by Matthew Vaughn, from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs (Wonder Woman). The film is produced by Matthew Vaughn, Adam Bohling (Kingsman franchise), Jason Fuchs, and David Reid (Kingsman franchise). The executive producers are Adam Fishbach, Zygi Kamasa, Carlos Peres and Claudia Vaughn.

Apple Original Films presents, in association with MARV, a Cloudy production. Argylle is distributed by Universal Pictures.

1 Views · 7 months ago

First movie trailer for Butcher's Crossing starring Nicolas Cage.

2 Views · 7 months ago

► Warner Bros. präsentiert den offiziellen #Trailer zum Film BARBIE ► ► Jetzt im Kino! Abonniere den WARNER BROS. DE Kanal für aktuelle Kinotrailer.

Im Barbie Land zu leben bedeutet, ein perfektes Dasein an einem perfekten Ort zu führen. Außer natürlich, man steckt gerade in einer existenziellen Krise. Oder man ist ein Ken.

Regie bei „Barbie“ führte die Oscar®-nominierte Autorin und Regisseurin Greta Gerwig („Little Women“, „Lady Bird“). Die Hauptrollen spielen Oscar-Kandidatin Margot Robbie („Bombshell – Das Ende des Schweigens“, „Tonya“) als Barbie und der ebenfalls Oscar-nominierte Ryan Gosling („La La Land“, „Half Nelson“) als Ken. Außerdem sind in „Barbie“ America Ferrera („End of Watch“, „Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht“-Filme), Kate McKinnon („Bombshell – Das Ende des Schweigens“, „Yesterday“), Michael Cera („Scott Pilgrim gegen den Rest der Welt“, „Juno“), Ariana Greenblatt („Avengers: Infinity War“, „65“), Issa Rae („The Photograph“, „Insecure“), Rhea Perlman („Für die zweite Liebe ist es nie zu spät“, „Matilda“) und Will Ferrell („Anchorman“-Filme, „Ricky Bobby – König der Rennfahrer“) zu sehen. Weitere Rollen übernehmen Ana Cruz Kayne („Little Women“), Emma Mackey („Emily“, „Sex Education“), Hari Nef („Assassination Nation“, „Transparent“), Alexandra Shipp („X-Men“-Filme), Kingsley Ben-Adir („One Night in Miami“, „Peaky Blinders – Gangs of Birmingham“), Simu Liu („Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings“), Ncuti Gatwa („Sex Education“), Scott Evans („Grace and Frankie“), Jamie Demetriou („Cruella“), Connor Swindells („Sex Education“, „Emma.“), Sharon Rooney („Dumbo“, „Jerk“), Nicola Coughlan („Bridgerton“, „Derry Girls“) sowie Oscar-Preisträgerin Helen Mirren („Die Queen“).

Gerwig inszenierte „Barbie“ nach einem Drehbuch, das sie selbst gemeinsam mit Oscar-Kandidat Noah Baumbach („Marriage Story“, „Der Tintenfisch und der Wal“) verfasste und das auf der Figur Barbie von Mattel basiert. Produziert wurde der Film von Oscar-Kandidat David Heyman („Marriage Story“, „Gravity“), Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley und Robbie Brenner. Als ausführende Produzenten waren Michael Sharp, Josey McNamara, Ynon Kreiz, Courtenay Valenti, Toby Emmerich und Cate Adams beteiligt.

Kreative Unterstützung erhielt Gerwig vom Oscar-nominierten Kameramann Rodrigo Prieto („The Irishman“, „Silence“, „Brokeback Mountain“), von der sechsfach Oscar-nominierten Produktionsdesignerin Sarah Greenwood („Die Schöne und das Biest“, „Anna Karenina“), von Editor Nick Houy („Little Women“, „Lady Bird“), von der Oscar-prämierten Kostümbildnerin Jacqueline Durran („Little Women“, „Anna Karenina“), von Visual Effects Supervisor Glen Pratt („Paddington 2“, „Die Schöne und das Biest“), von Music Supervisor George Drakoulias („Weißes Rauschen“, „Marriage Story“) und vom Oscar-prämierten Komponisten Alexandre Desplat („Shape of Water – Das Flüstern des Wassers“, „Grand Budapest Hotel“).

Warner Bros. Pictures präsentiert eine Produktion von Heyday Films, LuckyChap Entertainment und Mattel: „Barbie“. Den weltweiten Vertrieb übernimmt Warner Bros. Pictures.

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Film Release: Jetzt im Kino!
Genre: Abenteuer, Komödie, Fantasy

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Offizieller "The Equalizer 3" Trailer Deutsch German 2023 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: The Equalizer 3) Movie Trailer | Kino: 31 Aug 2023 | Filminfos
Robert McCall ist in Süditalien zu Hause, aber er muss feststellen, dass seine Freunde in der Gewalt der örtlichen Verbrecherbosse sind. Als sich die Ereignisse tödlich überschlagen, weiß McCall, was er tun muss: Er muss seine Freunde beschützen, indem er es mit der Mafia aufnimmt.

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Note | #TheEqualizer3 #DenzelWashington German #Trailer courtesy of Sony Pictures. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

5 Views · 7 months ago

Offizieller "Sound of Freedom" Trailer Deutsch German 2023 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: Sound of Freedom) Movie Trailer | Kino: 8 Nov 2023 | Filminfos
Als Homeland Security Spezialagent kämpft Tim Ballard gegen den internationalen Kinder- und Menschenhandel. Als er den kleinen Miguel aus den Händen von Kinderschmugglern rettet, erfährt er, dass Miguels Schwester Rocío noch gefangen ist. Ballard kündigt und wagt sich in einen gefährlichen Einsatz im kolumbianischen Dschungel, um Rocío zu befreien.

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Note | #SoundOfFreedom #JimCaviezel German #Trailer courtesy of 24 Bilder Film GmbH. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

3 Views · 7 months ago

Anfang 2024 im Kino.

Folgt uns auf:

Besetzung: Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Rockwell, Henry Cavill, John Cena, Dua Lipa, Bryan Cranston, Sofia Boutella, Ariana DeBose, Catherine O’Hara und Samuel L. Jackson
Regie: Matthew Vaughn
Drehbuch: Jason Fuchs
Produktion: Matthew Vaughn, Adam Bohling, Jason Fuchs, David Reid
Ausführende Produktion: Adam Fishbach, Zygi Kamasa, Carlos Peres, Claudia Vaughn

Je besser der Spion, desto perfekter die Illusion.

Eine globale Spionageorganisation. Ein Agent mit Katzenallergie. Und eine Schriftstellerin, die eigentlich nur ihre Ruhe haben will. Das sind nur drei der Zutaten des messerscharfen Spionagethrillers ARGYLLE, in dem Regisseur Matthew Vaughn (Kingsman-Filme, Kick-Ass) eine ganze Schar von Top-Stars auf eine atemlose Jagd rund um die Welt schickt – natürlich mit Style, Sexyness und mehr als nur einem Twist …

Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard, Jurassic World) mag es gemütlich. Die Autorin von Spionage-Bestsellern lebt zurückgezogen und verbringt ihre Abende am liebsten mit ihrer Katze Alfie zu Hause am Computer. Ellys Bücher handeln von Geheimagent Argylle und dessen Mission, ein weltumspannendes Spionagesyndikat zu entlarven. Doch eines Tages beginnen die Operationen einer sehr realen Geheimdienstorganisation, den fiktiven Geschichten in Ellys Romanen auf beunruhigende Weise zu gleichen. Die ruhigen Abende zu Hause gehören damit der Vergangenheit an. Elly begibt sich in Begleitung von Alfie und dem an einer Katzenallergie leidenden Spion Aiden (Oscar®-Preisträger Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri) auf eine wilde Mission rund um den Globus. Doch bei dem Versuch, ihren gefährlichen Widersachern immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein, verschwimmt zunehmend die Grenze zwischen Fiktion und Realität …

Zum Top-Cast von ARGYLLE gehören neben Howard und Rockwell u. a. Henry Cavill (The Witcher), John Cena (Fast & Furious 10), Oscar®-Preisträgerin Ariana DeBose (West Side Story), Grammy-Preisträgerin und Pop-Superstar Dua Lipa (Barbie), Emmy-Preisträger und Oscar®-Kandidat Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Emmy-Preisträgerin und Comedy-Ikone Catherine O’Hara (Schitt’s Creek), Sofia Boutella (Atomic Blonde) sowie der legendäre Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction). Die Rolle von Kater Alfie übernimmt Chip, der im echten Leben ein sehr prominentes Frauchen hat: Supermodel Claudia Vaughn (geborene Schiffer).

ARGYLLE wurde von Matthew Vaughn nach einem Drehbuch von Jason Fuchs (Wonder Woman) inszeniert. Darüber hinaus produzierten Vaughn und Fuchs den Film zusammen mit Adam Bohling (Kingsman-Filme) und David Reid (Rocketman). Als ausführende Produzenten fungierten Adam Fishbach (Smile – Siehst du es auch?), Zygi Kamasa (Killer’s Bodyguard 2), Carlos Peres (Kick-Ass) und Claudia Vaughn (Kick-Ass 2).

8 Views · 7 months ago

THE BEEKEEPER Trailer 4K (2024) | Jason Statham | Action Movie

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1 Views · 7 months ago

Lock up your Lords — the all-American girls have arrived. The Buccaneers premieres November 8.

Girls with money, men with power. New money, old secrets. A group of fun-loving young American girls explode into the tightly corseted London season of the 1870s, kicking off an Anglo-American culture clash as the land of the stiff upper lip is infiltrated by a refreshing disregard for centuries of tradition. Sent to secure husbands and titles, the buccaneers’ hearts are set on much more than that, and saying “I do” is just the beginning...

“The Buccaneers” stars Kristine Frøseth, as Nan St. George, Alisha Boe as Conchita Closson, Critics Choice Award nominee Josie Totah as Mabel Elmsworth, Aubri Ibrag as Lizzy Elmsworth, Imogen Waterhouse as Jinny St. George and Mia Threapleton as Honoria Marable. SAG Award winner Christina Hendricks stars in the series as Mrs. St. George, alongside an ensemble cast that also includes Josh Dylan as Lord Richard Marable, Guy Remmers as Theo, Duke of Tintagel, Matthew Broome as Guy Thwarte and Barney Fishwick as Lord James Seadown.

Led by an all-female creative team, “The Buccaneers” is written by series creator Katherine Jakeways and directed by BAFTA Award winner Susanna White, who also serve as executive producers, alongside BAFTA Award nominee Beth Willis. The series is produced for Apple TV+ by The Forge Entertainment.

Song: “all-american bitch” by Olivia Rodrigo

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0 Views · 7 months ago

This Thanksgiving, there will be no leftovers. 🪓 🦃 Watch the new trailer for #ThanksgivingMovie and see it exclusively in movie theaters this November.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Get ready for an epic action as brad pitt returns in "world war z 2" Watch the thrilling teaser trailer from Paramount Pictures and Plan B, featuring mind-blowing visuals. Don't miss this legendary cinematic trailer. WORLD WAR Z 2 | Teaser Trailer | Paramount Pictures | Brad Pitt | Zombie Movie

Hey, this is Foxstar Media FIRST LOOK TRAILER concept for world war z 2 hunting zombies movie (2024) which is a sequel to world war z.
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0 Views · 7 months ago

A family’s (Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke) vacation is upended when two strangers (Mahershala Ali and Myha’la) arrive at night, seeking refuge from a cyberattack that grows more terrifying by the minute, forcing everyone to come to terms with their places in a collapsing world.

Watch Leave the World Behind | Netflix Official Site:


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0 Views · 7 months ago

Check out the official trailer for The Beekeeper starring Jason Statham!
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US Release Date: January 12, 2024
Starring: Jason Statham, Jeremy Irons, Josh Hutcherson
Director: David Ayer
Synopsis: One man's brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after it's revealed he's a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as Beekeepers.
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2 Views · 7 months ago

Eine Zusammenstellung der besten neuen KINOFILME 2023 auf Deutsch German | Abonnieren ➤ | Movie Trailer | Filminfos

In dieser Compilation enthalten sind:
00:00 Die besten Kinofilme 2023
00:03 The Creator
02:27 Killers of the Flower Moon
04:45 Napoleon
07:04 The Marvels
09:21 Gran Turismo
11:36 Wonka
13:56 Raus aus dem Teich
16:49 Blue Beetle
19:49 Geistervilla
21:15 A Haunting in Venice
23:33 Bob Marley: One Love
26:18 The Nun 2
28:22 Der Exorzist: Bekenntnis
31:15 Ein ganzes Leben
33:29 Wochenendrebellen
35:32 Doggy Style
36:50 The Lost King
38:57 Die Unwahrscheinliche Pilgerreise des Harold Fry
41:25 Deep Sea

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Die neuesten Game Trailers ➤

Note | All trailers with courtesy of the rightholders. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

2 Views · 7 months ago

Eine Zusammenstellung der besten Actionfilme 2023 & 2024 auf Deutsch German | Abonnieren ➤ | Movie Trailer | Filminfos

In dieser Compilation enthalten sind:
00:00 Die besten Actionfilme 2023 & 2024
00:03 Die Tribute von Panem 5: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
02:35 Aquaman 2: Lost Kingdom
05:06 The Creator
07:30 The Marvels
09:48 Freelance
12:09 Kraven the Hunter
14:30 Dune 2
17:24 Lucky Day
18:56 Dune Devils
20:38 The Flood
22:08 97 Minutes
23:43 Kids vs. Aliens
24:59 Maximum Security

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Note | All trailers with courtesy of the rightholders. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

2 Views · 7 months ago

Will you survive the holidays? 🪓 🦃 Watch the new trailer for #ThanksgivingMovie and see it exclusively in movie theaters this November.

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After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts – the birthplace of the holiday. Picking off residents one by one, what begins as random revenge killings are soon revealed to be part of a larger, sinister holiday plan. Will the town uncover the killer and survive the holidays…or become guests at his twisted holiday dinner table?

Directed by:
Eli Roth

Screenplay by:
Jeff Rendell

Story by:
Eli Roth & Jeff Rendell

Produced by:
Eli Roth
Roger Birnbaum
Jeff Rendell

Executive Producers:
Gary Barber
Peter Oillataguerre
Greg Denny
Kate Harrison Karman
Chris Stone

Patrick Dempsey
Addison Rae
Milo Manheim
Jalen Thomas Brooks
Nell Verlaque
Rick Hoffman
and Gina Gershon

#ThanksgivingMovie #PatrickDempsey #AddisonRae #MiloManheim #JalenThomasBrooks #NellVerlaque #RickHoffman #GinaGershon #EliRoth #Trailer #OfficialTrailer #SonyPictures #Sony #Movie

0 Views · 7 months ago


From Academy Award winning writer/director Sofia Coppola and starring Jacob Elordi and Cailee Spaeny. PRISCILLA – In Theaters Everywhere November 3.

RELEASE DATE: November 3
DIRECTOR: Sofia Coppola
CAST: Jacob Elordi, Cailee Spaeny

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Eine Zusammenstellung der besten neuen KINOFILME 2023 & 2024 (Trailer German Deutsch) auf Deutsch German | Abonnieren ➤ | Movie Trailer | Filminfos

In dieser Compilation enthalten sind:
00:00 Neue KINOFILME 2023 & 2024
00:03 Freelance
02:26 Dumb Money
05:03 The Expendables 4
06:59 Killers of the Flower Moon
09:17 Saw X
11:44 Napoleon
14:03 The Nun 2
16:07 The Creator
18:31 Dune 2
21:25 Wonka
23:44 Die Tribute von Panem: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
26:19 The Marvels
28:37 Catch the Killer
29:32 Ein Fest fürs Leben
31:37 Five Nights at Freddys
33:31 Thanksgiving
34:25 Der Exorzist: Bekenntnis
36:56 Deep Fear
38:29 The Queen Mary
40:19 A Haunting in Venice
42:43 Dogman
44:17 Mein Sohn, der Soldat
45:44 The Pod Generation
48:05 Cat Person
50:19 Maestro
51:39 Retribution
53:35 Lucky Day
55:08 The Lesson
57:13 Bob Marley: One Love
59:58 Auf dem Weg
01:01:38 Voll ins Leben
01:03:32 My big fat greek Wedding 3: Familientreffen
01:04:30 One for the Road
01:06:13 Stella. Ein Leben.
01:08:19 Raus aus dem Teich
01:11:13 Paw Patrol: Der Mighty Kinofilm
01:13:16 Trolls 3: Gemeinsam Stark

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Note | #Kinofilme #Blockbuster All trailers with courtesy of the rightholders. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

0 Views · 7 months ago

Expose the corruption. Protect the hive. Watch the trailer for #TheBeekeeper, directed by David Ayer and starring Jason Statham. Only in theaters January 12.

In The Beekeeper, one man’s brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as “Beekeepers.”

Directed By: David Ayer
Starring: Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Josh Hutcherson, Bobby Naderi, Minnie Driver, with Phylicia Rashad and Jeremy Irons
Written By: Kurt Wimmer

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About MGM Studios: Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) is a leading entertainment company focused on the production and global distribution of film and television content across all platforms. The company owns one of the world’s deepest libraries of premium film and television content as well as the premium pay television network MGM+, which is available throughout the U.S. via cable, satellite, telco and digital distributors. In addition, MGM has investments in numerous other television channels, digital platforms and interactive ventures and is producing premium short-form content for distribution.

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THE BEEKEEPER | Official Trailer

Viktor Pataki
12 Views · 7 months ago


Vasad Tamara vagyok, társtulajdonos. Amíg el nem pusztul a cég. Haha. Csak viccelek, imádom ezeket a balfékeket! Szeretném, hogy a változás, amit hozok mindent felkavarjon és romba döntsön, hogy a romokon új perspektívák, lehetőségek, befektetések születhessenek. Ez minden vágyam. Miért is írom ezt? Ja igen, nézzétek meg az epizódot. Ha rajtam múlik ez lesz az évadzáró… Megint vicc! :))

Vasad Tamara, tulajdonos


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Viktor Pataki
9 Views · 7 months ago

A Kalocsai pecsenye hozzávalói: 1 kg sertéskaraj
400 g főtt császárszalonna
200 g füstölt csemege szalonna
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330 g vöröshagyma ( 5 fej )
5 - 6 gerezd fokhagyma
1 csomó újhagyma ( zöldhagyma )
500 g apró fehér csiperkegomba
250 g csemegeuborka
200 ml laza paradicsompüré
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150 - 200 ml csemege uborka leve
3 erős csipet szárított zeller ~ petrezselyemlevél

1 teáskanál őrölt feketebors
1/2 teáskanál őrölt fűszerkömény
3 teáskanál Kalocsai édes nemes pirospaprika
250 ml víz az étel felöntéséhez
Tálaláshoz 1 kis vekni zsíros cipó

Jó étvágyat mindenkinek ehhez a klasszikus magyar finomsághoz! Akár tárcsán, bográcsban , tűzhelyen készítve egy igazi kulináris élményben lesz részetek! Érdemes gyorsan puhuló húsokkal készíteni az ételt mint például: sertéskaraj, sertés vagy borjú szűz, csirkemell, pulykamell, csontozott csirkecomb, vékonyra szelt borjúcomb.
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29 Views · 8 months ago

There’s a line in Arnold, the new three-part limited docuseries about the life of actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger, that perfectly encapsulates the essence of the athlete, actor and politician in the five decades he’s been a household name.

“If you’re always hungry, you’re never really satisfied,” Schwarzenegger says in his instantly recognizable baritone. It’s one of a number of motivating mega-statements Schwarzenegger makes throughout the series, describing a belief system that he actually lives by. After all, the man has reinvented himself countless times as a professional bodybuilder, actor, filmmaker, businessman and politician, an inspiring résumé for a kid from a small town in Austria.
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11 Views · 8 months ago

Rebel Moon Trailer 2023 Netflix. Zack Snyder Star Wars Movie, Rebel Moon Part 2 Teaser, Justice League 2 and Justice League 3 & Henry Cavill Superman The Flash Alternate Ending ►
Secret Invasion Episode 1
Avatar The Last Airbender Trailer
Marvel Kraven The Hunter Trailer
The Flash Post Credit Scene
The Flash Alternate Ending Superman
Justice League 2 FULL Breakdown
Henry Cavill Warhammer Trailer 2025
Spider-Man 4 Announcement
Deadpool 3 Wolverine Trailer
Secret Invasion Trailer
Emergency Awesome New Videos

Covering new Netflix Rebel Moon Trailer 2023 Breakdown and Easter Eggs. Zack Snyder Star Wars Movie Explained. A young woman Kora (Sofia Boutella) seeks out warriors (Charlie Hunnam) from other planets to fight the tyrannical armies terrorizing her peaceful colony. What Zack Snyder's original Star Wars Movies would have been. Justice League 2 and Justice League 3 Story Breakdown. And James Gunn DC Movies Reboot Explained.

The Flash Movie Trailer and The End of the DCEU Explained. How James Gunn is recasting the Justice League Actors. Changes to The Flash Movie, Henry Cavill Superman Post Credit Scene in The Flash. Wonder Woman Shazam Fury of the Gods Cameo Scene Changes. Michael Keaton Batman changes. Robert Pattinson Batman and New James Gunn DC Movie Plans.

Superman Movie 2025 Announcement. Why Man of Steel 2 was cancelled. James Gunn DC Movies Plan. And why james gunn is writing the next superman movie. Superman 2025 Movie Story, younger superman like The Batman Movie with Robert Pattinson.

Future DC Movies recasting Justice League. How The Flash Movie Flashpoint sets that up. How Ben Affleck comes back to direct future dc movies. And their future plans for The Batman. Black Adam Post Credit Scene, Black Adam Ending Explained. Henry Cavill Superman Cameo Scene, Post Credit Scene. And Henry Cavill Warhammer Trailer with new series and movies.

Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty Trailer, Avengers 6 Secret Wars Trailer, Thunderbolts Trailer, Deadpool 3 Wolverine Trailer and more Fantastic Four Teaser videos!

My FULL Secret Invasion Episode 2 video will post next week after they release it!

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28 Views · 8 months ago

See our world like never before. These stunning new titles will take you from the depths of our oceans to the outer reaches of our universe. All titles coming exclusively to Netflix, starting with Our Universe on November 22.

New Nature Shows Coming to Netflix:

Our Universe - Premieres November 22, 2022
From BBC Studios and narrated by Academy Award-winner Morgan Freeman, comes this unprecedented six-part series, an epic tale 13.8 billion years in the making. Blending stunning wildlife footage with eye-popping cosmic special effects, it takes viewers on a fascinating adventure to explore the connections that drive our natural world. From the birth of the Sun to the birth of a sea turtle, Our Universe uses groundbreaking animation to dramatize the spectacular celestial forces that generated our solar system, while modern camera and CGI technology bring the audience up close and personal with some of the most iconic, charismatic animals on Earth.

Our Planet II - Coming 2023
From the Emmy Award-winning team behind Planet Earth and Our Planet comes Our Planet II, Narrated by David Attenborough. At any given moment on planet Earth, billions of animals are on the move. Our Planet II unravels the mysteries of how and why animals move and migrate to reveal some of the most spectacular and dramatic stories in the natural world.

Life On Our Planet - Coming 2023
This is the story of life’s epic battle to conquer and survive on planet Earth, narrated by Academy Award-winner Morgan Freeman. Today there are 20 million species on our planet, yet what we see is just a snapshot in time – 99% of earth’s inhabitants are lost to our deep past. The story of what happened to these lineages – their rise and their fall – is truly remarkable. Using the latest technology and science to bring long extinct creatures back to life, Life On Our Planet reveals the incredible story of life on our planet and how its future is now being written by us.

Our Oceans - Coming 2024
Oceans are the beating heart of our planet yet so much remains unknown, unexplored and undiscovered. From the tropical warm waters of the Indian Ocean, to the fiery depths of the Atlantic, from the unpredictable waters of the Pacific that are surrounded by a ring of fire, to the freezing isolation of the Southern and Arctic Oceans, Our Oceans explores the magical world of wonders that lies beneath the waves.

Our Living World - Coming 2024
All across its thin green-blue veneer, the Earth pulses with life. Building on astonishing scientific revelations and featuring stunning footage of the planet’s incredible natural networks, Our Living World is the definitive celebration of our living planet, revealing the astonishing web of connections that unites us all and sustains our universe’s most magical phenomenon - life.

Our Water World - Coming 2025
Our Water World explores the incredible freshwater systems that help our planet thrive and, without which, life could not exist. From Earth’s icy realms, to its rushing rivers and epic waterfalls, to magical cloud forests, this is the mysterious, surprising and captivating story of our planet's extraordinary freshwater worlds.


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Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 223 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.

6 Mind Blowing New Nature Documentaries | Only on Netflix

10 Views · 8 months ago

First Look At Netflix’s Avatar Live Action Trailer + Breakdown

Photos and a teaser trailer have finally been revealed for Netflix's Avatar the last airbender live action series and I could not be more hyped!!

#avatar #avatarthelastairbender #aang #atla

53 Views · 8 months ago

Ben 10 TV Serial Netflix 2023-2025.
Actors cast:
Asher Angel as Ben Tennyson
Sophia Lilis as Gwen Tennyson
David Mazouz as Kevin Levin
Chloe Grace Moretz as Lucy Levin
Ronald Cyler as Alan Albright
Lana Condor as Julia Yamamoto
Alec Baldwin as Max Tennyson
Josh Brolin as Vilgax
Hugo Weaving as Psyphon
Manu Bennet as SixSix
Glen Yacobs as Vulcanus
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7 Views · 8 months ago

When an explosion in the Norwegian mountains awakens an ancient troll, officials appoint a fearless palaeontologist to stop it from wreaking deadly havoc. This fantasy-action film stars Ine Marie Wilmann ("War Sailor") and was directed by Roar Uthaug ("Tomb Raider" and “The Wave”).


About Netflix:
Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 223 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.

TROLL | Official Trailer | Netflix

9 Views · 8 months ago

Check out the official SLUURP concept trailer for Netflix's The Legend Of Zelda: Live-Action Series; an American-Japanese fantasy action-adventure series based on the popular Nintendo franchise. The series features Timothée Chalamet as Link and is directed by Patty Jenkins.

The Legend Of Zelda: Live-Action Netflix Series (2023) Teaser Trailer Concept 4K #tlegendofzelda #thelegendofzelda #zelda

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Credit 📣
Outro Song: Tom Shawcroft | Hypnotist:
Footage: PlayerPiano, IGN, Spencer Ocarina, Alex Jackman, Innervation Bros, Mason Bros & Our Organic Live
Edited By: KHStudio & Connor

The Legend of Zelda[a] is a high fantasy action-adventure video game franchise created by Japanese game designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. It is primarily developed and published by Nintendo, although some portable installments and re-releases have been outsourced to Capcom, Vanpool, and Grezzo. The gameplay incorporates action-adventure and elements of action RPG games.

The series centers on the various incarnations of Link, a courageous young Hylian man, with pointy, elf-like ears; and Princess Zelda, a magical princess that is the mortal reincarnation of the goddess Hylia; as they fight to save the magical land of Hyrule from Ganon, an evil warlord turned demon king, who is the principal antagonist of the series. Ganon wishes to use the Triforce, a sacred relic left behind by the three goddesses that created Hyrule, to remake the world in his own dark image. When gathered together, the power of the Triforce can grant any wish its user desires; however, if someone with a heart that does not possess a balance of the three virtues of Power, Courage, and Wisdom attempts to touch the Triforce, it will split into three triangles and bond with three people whose hearts embody the required virtue. Ganondorf

© 2022 | Netflix & Nintendo

Do you have a copyright issue? Please contact [email protected] and we'll do all we can to help!

The footage used in our videos falls under the US description of fair use as stated under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976; all of our videos are transformative in nature, use no more of the original than necessary, and have no negative effect on the market for the original work(s). This means our videos don't affect the copyright owner's ability to profit from their original work Furthermore, our editorial-based videos also meet the requirements based on commentary and criticism.

Concept Trailers on the SLUURP is a movie trailer produced independently for the sole purpose of illustrating the concept, style, and theme of a potential feature film. A conceptual trailer is a piece of fan-made work that illustrates and parodies the potential concept, style, and theme of an upcoming desired blockbuster feature film.

37 Views · 8 months ago

#WednesdayAddams #WednesdaySeason2 #Netflix

Take look at Netflix's 'Teaser Trailer' concept for Wednesday Addams Season 2 (More info about this video down below!)

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Inspiration behind this video:

Netflix is officially moving forward with Wednesday season 2, with the much-desired renewal finally announced by the streaming service. The Addams family was reimagined again in 2022 with Netflix's reboot show, which starred Jenna Ortega as the titular heroine. Wednesday season 1 focused on Ortega's character solving a murder mystery at her new school, Nevermore Academy. It didn't take long for the latest Addams family adaptation to become a massive hit with critics and fans alike. Wednesday has remained on Netflix's most-viewed-shows list for some time, which naturally made many wonder if there would be a season 2.

It has been over two months since Wednesday season 1 was released on Netflix, but its future has now finally been decided. Netflix announced today that Wednesday season 2 will officially move forward on the popular streaming service. It had been reported that a Wednesday season 2 renewal would come in early 2023.

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26 Views · 8 months ago

Five Nights At Freddy's | Movie Trailer 2 | Netflix

not the official

The real movie is in work by blumhouse and Scott cowton the creator of five nights at Freddy's

the animation by JAZE CINEMA🎥

#fivenightsatfreddys #fnaf #netflix

Five nights at Freddy's trailer movie Netflix,five nights at Freddy's the movie Netflix,five nights at Freddy's the movie in Netflix,five nights at freddy's netflix,five nights at freddy's netflix series,five nights at freddy's netflix trailer,fnaf Netflix,fnaf Netflix movie,fnaf trailer movie,fnaf trailer movie 2021,fnaf trailer movie 2022,fnaf trailer movie Netflix,netflix fnaf,netflix fnaf official trailer,netflix fnaf trailer

0 Views · 8 months ago

The Netflix Series "GAMERA -Rebirth-" starts streaming worldwide from September 7, 2023!
Gamera, the giant monster which has been beloved by Kaiju fans across the globe since the 1960s, faces off against five enemy creatures across six episodes in this new animated series.


About Netflix:
Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services with 238 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.

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GAMERA -Rebirth- | Official Trailer #2 | Netflix

0 Views · 8 months ago

Welcome to Slumberland, the world of dreams! Jason Momoa plays “Flip” an eccentric outlaw on a mission to help a young girl (Marlow Barkley) travel through dreams and flee nightmares, in hopes of reuniting with her father. From the Director of the Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Mockingjay, Slumberland comes to Netflix on November 18.


About Netflix:
Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 221 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any Internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.

Slumberland | Official Trailer | Netflix

Joined by a larger-than-life outlaw, a daring young orphan journeys through a land of dreams to find a precious pearl that will grant her greatest wish.

2 Views · 8 months ago

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#enolaholmes2 #enolaholmes2trailer

2 Views · 8 months ago

#JusticeLeague2 #ZackSnyder #Netflix

Here's our 'Teaser Trailer' concept for Netflix's Justice League 2 directed by Zack Snyder! (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

For more ZSJL and DC updates, follow this guy!

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The inspiration behind this video:

Even if the Snyderverse were sold to Netflix, the director likely wouldn't be able to start working on any sequels until his ongoing projects were done. But more importantly, it wouldn't be in Warner Bros. Discovery's best interest to license off a whole DC franchise to Netflix when they are getting ready to properly launch the DCU. Not to mention, it's unlikely Warner Bros. Discovery would be willing to give up enough creative control over their DC characters for it to be in Netflix's interest either.

While the Snydeverse may be dead as of right now, that doesn't mean Gunn couldn't continue it as an Elseworlds movie franchise. If it ever does happen, it wouldn't be for many years since the DCU won't properly launch until 2025. Then, it remains to be seen where DC Studios and Snyder are at that point and whether either party will want to resurrect the Snyderverse. For now, Zack Snyder's Justice League universe can be relived through home release and streaming.

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6 Views · 8 months ago

With her plans of being a professional fencer foiled by a sudden financial crisis in the 1990s, a passionate young high-schooler wonders if it’s time to give up on her dreams. But the hardworking part-timer at the comic book shop may be the kindred soul she needs to keep her spirits up—especially when they meet again at ages 25 and 21.

Kim Tae-ri (SPACE SWEEPERS) and Nam Joo-hyuk (START-UP) star in TWENTY FIVE TWENTY ONE, the new drama from the writer of SEARCH WWW.

Coming to Netflix February 12.

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#TwentyFiveTwentyOne #KimTaeri #NamJoohyuk #OfficialTrailer #TheSwoon #Kdrama


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*Shows featured might not be available in all markets.

3 Views · 8 months ago

King The Land (킹 더 랜드) Season 2 (2025) | Official Trailer | Lee Junho | Netflix Kdrama

► Here's our concept trailer for "King the Land season 2" This K drama is all about romance and has a wonderful feel-good vibe. It's considered one of the best Korean dramas you can watch on Netflix in 2023. Fans are already hoping for a new season from the creators because it's just that good and want more of the Chemistry of the 2 actors. Get your heads up because we have some exciting news regarding Season 2 of King The Land.

► In this Channel, I showcase visual commentary through Mashup / Fan-made / Concept trailer videos. These videos demonstrate specific or non-existing film ideas by compiling and transforming clips from existing productions with high-quality edits, special effects, and new music. By adding my own unique value, I create entirely new, original movie trailers. These derivative works may find protection under fair use.

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#kingtheland #kingthelandkdrama #leejunho

2 Views · 8 months ago

#Ben10TheMovie #Ben10 #WarnerBros

Watch our BEN 10: THE MOVIE 'Teaser Trailer' concept featuring Walker Scobell as Ben Tennyson (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

Some of the footage is used from scintillating fan-films by
1. Stan Hanrahan (Watch their fan-film down below)

2. Waleed Qureshi (Watch their fan-film down below)

Thumbnail Based On Amazing Artwork By spdrmnkyxxiii
(Give them a follow for more!)

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The inspiration behind this video:

Walker Scobell is imagined as the title character in new Ben 10: The Movie fan art. Since premiering on Cartoon Network in 2005, Ben 10 has become the channel’s longest-running franchise, in addition to one of its most critically-acclaimed. As part of that longevity and continued success, Ben 10 has evolved through several different iterations.

The story of Ben 10 focuses on Ben Tennyson, a boy who acquires an alien device in the guise of a watch. Known generally as the Omnitrix, it contains the DNA of different alien species. This allows Tennyson to transform into aliens, ten initially, though more aliens are included as the franchise progresses. Previous fan art highlighted what Chris Evans might look like as a grown-up version of Tennyson. Now, one of Evans’ frequent co-starts, Holland, gets the Ben 10 treatment.

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0 Views · 8 months ago

#JusticeLeague2 #ZackSnyder #Netflix

Here's our 'Full Trailer' concept for Netflix's Justice League 2 directed by Zack Snyder! (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

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The inspiration behind this video:

The Snyderverse gets restored on Netflix in an epic Zack Snyder's Justice League 2 fan-made trailer. In 2013, Zack Snyder launched the DCEU through Man of Steel as part of a new DC cinematic universe. However, after running for a decade, the DCEU is coming to an end as James Gunn is working on his new DC Universe. But despite the Snyderverse not continuing, fans have been campaigning for the franchise to live on somehow. While the odds are extremely low, it's not stopping fans from imagining what Zack Snyder's Justice League 2 could look like on Netflix. Screen Culture recently debuted a fan-made trailer for Snyder's Justice League sequel as a proof of concept.

Ever since 2021, Warner Bros. has made its stance clear about Zack Snyder's Justice League 2. That is what led fans to launch the #SellZSJLToNetflix campaign, especially after DC Studios was launched. Snyder has even been on the record about the challenges that would come with such an arraignment due to IP rights. Gunn has also commented on the Netflix Snyderverse fan campaign, as the streaming service hasn't expressed any interest. If Zack Snyder's Justice League 2 ever happens, it wouldn't be for quite some time. With Snyder already busy with other projects, DC Studios are focusing on its new franchise. But since DC Elseworlds is also a priority for the studio, that could bode well for Snyder's sequels.

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0 Views · 8 months ago

Check out the official SLUURP concept trailer for Avatar: The Last Airbender, an upcoming American adventure fantasy television series. It is a live-action adaptation of the animated television series of the same name (2005–2008). It was first announced in September 2018. Albert Kim is set to be the showrunner, with an ensemble cast including Gordon Cormier, Kiawentiio Tarbell, Ian Ousley, Dallas Liu, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee and Daniel Dae Kim.

Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender (2023) Teaser Trailer Concept 4K
#thelastairbender #avatarthelastairbender #avatar

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Credit 📣
Outro Song: Tom Shawcroft | Hypnotist:
Edited By: KHStudio & Connor

The series is set in an Asiatic, war-torn world where certain people can "bend" one of the four classical elements—water, earth, fire, or air. Aang, the "Avatar", is the "bridge" between the mortal and spirit world, and the only one capable of bending all four of the elements. The Avatar maintains the balance of the world and nature to bring peace. As the Avatar, Aang faces the task to free the world from the Fire Nation's ruthless war. With his new companions Katara and Sokka, Aang sets out to master the elements while pursued by the exiled Fire Nation prince Zuko, who seeks to regain his honor by capturing him

© 2022 | Netflix | Avatar Studios | Paramount Pictures | Nickelodeon Movies

Do you have a copyright issue? Please contact [email protected] and we'll do all we can to help!

The footage used in our videos falls under the US description of fair use as stated under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976; all of our videos are transformative in nature, use no more of the original than necessary, and have no negative effect on the market for the original work(s). This means our videos don't affect the copyright owner's ability to profit from their original work Furthermore, our editorial-based videos also meet the requirements based on commentary and criticism.

Concept Trailers on the SLUURP is a movie trailer produced independently for the sole purpose of illustrating the concept, style, and theme of a potential feature film. A conceptual trailer is a piece of fan-made work that illustrates and parodies the potential concept, style, and theme of an upcoming desired blockbuster feature film.

2 Views · 8 months ago

In January 2020, Daniel Richtman posted that the series is “looking for a mostly Asian cast and a 12-14 Asian kid to play Aang.”

CONCEPT - FANMADE TRAILER for sake of discussion.

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Netflix is developing a new live-action series for Avatar: The Last Airbender. With production due to start in 2020, here’s everything we know so far about the upcoming Netflix adaptation of the classic Nickelodeon cartoon.

Co-created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the animated series was one of the most popular cartoons of the mid-2000s. The series spawned an equal popular spin-off series in 2012 known as The Legend of Korra.

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L'Orchestra Cinematique - The Last Airbender



Marco Polo Netflix Series
The Last Jedi

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*This video is a parody DUE to its derivative/ transformative nature this video is covered as a Fair Use of material.*

_ #Thelastairbender #avatar #trailer

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1 Views · 8 months ago

Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender live action series arrives 2024.

Add Avatar: The Last Airbender to My List:


About Netflix:
Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services with 233 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.

AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER | Water, Earth, Fire, Air | Netflix

1 Views · 8 months ago

#netflix #extraction3 #chrishemsworth #idriselba

Watch the 'FAN (CONCEPT) Trailer Concept' For NETFLIX's Extraction 3 (2025) (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

Music: Clockworks by Soundridemusic
Link to Video:

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Kung Fu Panda 4 Trailer -

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Extraction 3, the highly anticipated sequel to the action-packed Extraction franchise, is generating a lot of excitement. Starring Chris Hemsworth as the formidable black ops mercenary Tyler Rake, this series has captivated audiences since its debut on Netflix. In the first movie, Rake embarks on a daring mission to rescue a kidnapped child, and in Extraction 2, he takes on the challenge of breaking a gangster's family out of prison. Now, with Extraction 3 confirmed, fans are eagerly anticipating the next thrilling installment in this adrenaline-fueled franchise.

One of the reasons Extraction has become such a success is the exceptional performance of Chris Hemsworth, who delivers a captivating portrayal of Tyler Rake. The character has become Hemsworth's most significant role since Thor, showcasing his versatility as an actor. When the first Extraction movie became Netflix's most-watched original film ever, it was clear that a sequel was inevitable. The fact that Extraction 3 is now in the works further solidifies the franchise's popularity and Hemsworth's compelling presence as the lead.

With the announcement of Extraction 3, fans are eager to learn more about the cast and story details. The Extraction franchise has been known for introducing surprises and memorable characters, and the third installment is expected to continue this trend. Alongside familiar faces, there may be new additions to the cast as Netflix expands the Extraction universe and develops it into a fully-fledged franchise. The anticipation is high to see which actors will join Chris Hemsworth in this action-packed adventure.

While the story details of Extraction 3 are being kept under wraps, there have been hints and speculations about what's to come. Director Sam Hargrave has expressed enthusiasm for expanding the franchise and has even mentioned the possibility of spinoffs involving other characters from the series. This suggests that Extraction 3 could delve deeper into the world of Tyler Rake and explore new narratives or character dynamics. Fans are excited to see how the story will unfold and what personal stakes might be involved for Tyler Rake in this next chapter.

As Extraction 3 continues its development, fans eagerly await a confirmed release date. While no official date has been announced yet, it is worth noting that the previous sequel, Extraction 2, premiered on Netflix approximately three years after the first movie's release. If the production team maintains a similar timeline, we can expect Extraction 3 to arrive in the summer of 2026, or perhaps even earlier if the project receives prioritization. Stay tuned for updates on the release date and make sure not to miss the action-packed trailer and teasers that will undoubtedly accompany the announcement.

Edited by DARTH TRAILER, please subscribe:
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◁ On our channel we create а trailer mashups ▷
Also known as recut trailers, involve collecting multiple pieces of film footage from one or multiple movies and editing them to create a new trailer. Trailer mashups are often created for a movie that does not exist now or to change the genre of an existing film. These are derivative works as defined by the United States Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. § 101, and as such, may find protection from copyright claims under the doctrine of fair use.

The trailer mashups are not only a user generated form of digital creativity but a way to create anticipation for future releases, working in tandem with current movie trailers. Movie trailers are designed to give minimal plot detail and to create hype and anticipation. Fan made trailer mashups allow the audience to perform their own cinematic spin on current movie footage. This allows the trailer to focus on a specific actor or portion of the film. It could even change the plot or genre of the film entirely.

This video is a parody DUE to its derivative/ transformative nature this video is covered as a Fair Use of material.

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0 Views · 8 months ago

#JusticeLeague2 #ZackSnyder #Netflix

Here's our 'Final Trailer' concept for Netflix's Justice League 2 directed by Zack Snyder! (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

Proudly Made in Collab w/ Vega, Niko Bramza & Akhy Ryan (follow them here 🔻 for more!)
Vega’s IG:
Niko's IG:
Akhy's IG:

Song 1: Revenge by Rage Sound
Song 2: Last Hope by Victor Cooper
Song 3: End of the World by MusicArea

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The inspiration behind this video:

Batman's partnership with Deathstroke, the Joker, and Deadshot was hardly one without significant friction. In the Snyder Cut's Knightmare scene, Batman assures the Joker that "I will f---ing kill you" for the murder of Robin. Deathstroke would also have had an acrimonious partnership with the Caped Crusader. With the Knightmare taking place after Ben Affleck's planned Batman solo movie, Slade was to have killed numerous people close to him in the film. Batman's history with Deadshot also would've made any alliance between the two uncomfortable for both. Still, the mutual aggression Batman, the League, and the villains would've had to bottle up to undo the Knightmare shows how important Batman's old antagonists were for it.

In rewriting history to prevent the apocalypse from happening, Batman had to become a leader in a way that was completely alien to him in Batman v Superman. While The Flash, Cyborg, and Mera would've been plenty uneasy themselves in teaming up with villains, Batman had to go a step further in acting as a kind of surrogate Superman in offering hope. In forming a truce with the potentially Anti-Life Equation immune Joker and bringing Deathstroke and Deadshot into the team, Batman was making the ultimate leap of faith as he swore at his enemies turned allies. With the Man of Steel turned into Darkseid's soldier, Batman's belief that the Knightmare could be prevented was what gave them all the hope that Superman had embodied. In the Knightmare, Batman's discovery of faith was something he had to instill his fellow heroes with for there to be any chance of success. More than simply being a horrendous future that had to be averted, the Knightmare was a test of faith for all the heroes. In joining forces with old foes, Batman was leading the League by example in putting his faith on the line the most.

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0 Views · 8 months ago

#JusticeLeague2 #ZackSnyder #Netflix

Here's our 'First Trailer' concept for Netflix's Justice League 2 directed by Zack Snyder! (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

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The inspiration behind this video:

In his interview with the Russos, Snyder states that Warner Bros. had a significant focus on Justice League for the DCEU. With this focus in mind, Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio "always had our eye on the Justice League concept" during the production of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Snyder also revealed that he and Terrio "had an outline for Justice League that we just kind of generated while we were writing Batman v Superman, just kind of over to the side." In all, this story writing process makes sense given the manner in which Batman v Superman's story leads directly into Zack Snyder's Justice League.

Snyder also commented that he was "really adamant" about the movie setting up a "post-apocalyptic" story of the Knightmare timeline. Zack Snyder's Justice League includes two major glimpses into the Knightmare future, in which Darkseid (Ray Porter) has conquered Earth and turned Superman (Henry Cavill) into his mind-controlled soldier with the Anti-Life Equation. Snyder cites The Road Warrior as a major influence on the Knightmare and even revealed its long time span before being undone by The Flash (Ezra Miller), with Snyder stating, "When Darkseid destroys Earth, we're going to have 10 years of no Earth, so we should figure out what Batman's doing in the Road Warrior Earth."

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0 Views · 8 months ago

#JusticeLeague2 #ZackSnyder #Netflix

Here's our 'Teaser Trailer' concept for Netflix's Justice League 2 directed by Zack Snyder! (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

Music: Skull Island by Soundridemusic
Link to Video:

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The inspiration behind this video:

James Gunn responds to the fan campaign to get Zack Snyder's Justice League franchise future, aka the Snyderverse, sold to Netflix. The DC Universe is getting a relaunch following the creation of DC Studios, which will start a new era for the brand. With Gunn and Peter Safran leading the charge, the DCEU is slowly reaching its end while the DCU is up and coming. The new franchise will properly start in 2025 with Superman: Legacy, after The Flash film helps partially reset the universe. However, some have been hoping to keep the Snyderverse alive in some capacity.

James Gunn responds to the fan campaign to get Zack Snyder's Justice League franchise future, aka the Snyderverse, sold to Netflix. The DC Universe is getting a relaunch following the creation of DC Studios, which will start a new era for the brand. With Gunn and Peter Safran leading the charge, the DCEU is slowly reaching its end while the DCU is up and coming. The new franchise will properly start in 2025 with Superman: Legacy, after The Flash film helps partially reset the universe. However, some have been hoping to keep the Snyderverse alive in some capacity. Similar to the Release the Snyder Cut movement, a #SellTheSnyderVerseToNetflix campaign has been going on for quite some time. The idea is to try to get Netflix to distribute the Snyderverse on their platform, allowing the filmmaker's unfinished vision to go on outside the DCU.

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0 Views · 8 months ago

#StrangerThings5 #StrangerThings #Netflix

Take a look at our 'Full Trailer' concept for Netflix's STRANGER THINGS Season 5 (More info about this video down below!)

Some CGI scene were made in collaboration with Fulcrum:

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In 2020, Brown starred in Enola Holmes for Netflix, which performed well enough to get a sequel. The first film served as Brown's first time as a producer, and she has since embraced the leadership role on other productions. In addition to the Enola Holmes franchise, Brown is set to produce and star in two upcoming films, including Damsel and The Girls I've Been, suggesting that the actor has a clear interest in bringing modern, female-driven stories to life.

Brown is also set to star in a big-budget film from Joe and Anthony Russo called The Electric State. The science-fiction movie is set to hit Netflix in 2024 and is currently in post-production. With the ongoing WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, it's unclear when work on Stranger Things season 5 will get underway, but Brown's career over the last few years has demonstrated that she will very much be remaining a fixture of the TV and movie landscape for years to come.

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3 Views · 8 months ago

The final season of Stranger Things is going to be a wild ride. This is a concept trailer for Stranger Things season 5. A concept trailer is a fan made trailer made to demonstrate the possibilities of what a particular show or films could look like. If you enjoyed this concept trailer subscribe to the channel for more.

Stranger Things - Netflix
Clips of Millie Bobby Brown - Godzilla King of The Monsters

#netflix #netflixseries #strangerthings #strangerthings4 #strangerthings5 #concept #teasertrailer #trailer #fanmade #fanmadetrailer #fantasy #millebobbybrown #noahschnapp #calebmclaughlin #finnwolfhard #davidharbour #hawkins #finalseason #geomatefilms #film #tvshow #tv #vecna #horror #scary

0 Views · 8 months ago

#netflix #extraction3 #chrishemsworth #netflixtudum

Watch the 'FAN (CONCEPT) Trailer Concept' For NETFLIX's Extraction 3 (2025) (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

Music: Clean Punch by Soundridemusic
Link to Video:

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Constantine 2 Trailer -

Kung Fu Panda 4 Trailer -

Frozen 3 Trailer -

Extraction 3: Confirmation, Cast, Story Details & Everything We Know. Chris Hemsworth's Tyler Rake returns in the highly anticipated Extraction 3, the next installment of the action-packed franchise. Based on the graphic novel Ciudad, the Extraction series follows black ops mercenary Tyler Rake as he takes on daring rescue missions. Learn about the confirmed cast, intriguing story details, and the growing success of Extraction as a Netflix original movie.

Extraction 3 solidifies Chris Hemsworth's role as Tyler Rake and showcases the franchise's continued popularity. Following the immense success of the first movie, Extraction became Netflix's most-watched original film, paving the way for a sequel and now a third installment. With possible spinoffs on the horizon, Extraction 3 promises new surprises and familiar faces as the franchise expands further.

Discover the exciting prospects for Tyler Rake's journey in Extraction 3. Director Sam Hargrave expresses enthusiasm for the franchise's future and hints at an expansive story. While specific details are scarce, audiences can expect a thrilling continuation of Tyler Rake's adventures, filled with intense action and grounded in a real-world setting.

Chris Hemsworth's dedication to the character of Tyler Rake shines through as he eagerly embraces his return in Extraction 3. With his success as Thor, Hemsworth appreciates the opportunity to explore a different role and story outside of the Marvel universe. Extraction 2 surpassed its predecessor, and Hemsworth's commitment to the franchise is evident as he expresses excitement for another chapter.

Netflix's confirmation of Extraction 3 at Tudum: A Global Fan Event reflects their confidence in the franchise's future. While a release date is yet to be announced, fans can expect Extraction 3 to continue the gritty and intense adventures of Tyler Rake. Alongside Hemsworth, other returning cast members and potential new additions will contribute to the expanding universe of Extraction. Stay tuned for updates on the release date and further details as Extraction 3 takes shape

Edited by DARTH TRAILER, please subscribe:
✅ Twitter:

◁ On our channel we create а trailer mashups ▷
Also known as recut trailers, involve collecting multiple pieces of film footage from one or multiple movies and editing them to create a new trailer. Trailer mashups are often created for a movie that does not exist now or to change the genre of an existing film. These are derivative works as defined by the United States Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. § 101, and as such, may find protection from copyright claims under the doctrine of fair use.

The trailer mashups are not only a user generated form of digital creativity but a way to create anticipation for future releases, working in tandem with current movie trailers. Movie trailers are designed to give minimal plot detail and to create hype and anticipation. Fan made trailer mashups allow the audience to perform their own cinematic spin on current movie footage. This allows the trailer to focus on a specific actor or portion of the film. It could even change the plot or genre of the film entirely.

This video is a parody DUE to its derivative/ transformative nature this video is covered as a Fair Use of material.

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2 Views · 8 months ago

#JusticeLeague2 #ZackSnyder #Netflix

Here's our 'First Trailer' concept for Netflix's Justice League 2 directed by Zack Snyder! (More Info About This Video Down Below!)

Proudly Made in Collab w/ Vega, Niko Bramza & Akhy Ryan (follow them here 🔻 for more!)
Vega’s IG:
Niko's IG:
Akhy's IG:

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The inspiration behind this video:

Fixing a plot hole isn't all Justice League 2 would have done. Storyboards for both the sequel and Justice League 3 shared in 2021 revealed that Lex Luthor's Legion of Doom in the former project would have had the Riddler, Black Manta, Dr. Poison, Captain Cold and Ocean Master making up its ranks.

On the topic of Batman and Lois Lane, Snyder recently discussed why he wanted them to have a romance in Justice League, which he said caused some behind-the-scenes controversy. "We had written it, especially since I had [Lois Lane actor Amy Adams] and Amy's, like, a genius, I really felt like we should lean on Amy, because she's just a great actress, and I think like a force of nature," Snyder continued. "And then I loved the idea of setting up this sort of concept, it's sort of like when you're in a movie where the husband goes off to war and he's dead and the wife moves on and then the husband appears, like, 'I'm not dead. I'm fine.' I was super into that concept, that 'Oh no, Superman can be brought back to life.'"

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3 Views · 8 months ago

This summer, everything changes. The Witcher Season 3 begins on June 29th.


About Netflix:
Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services with 233 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.

The Witcher: Season 3 | Official Teaser | Netflix

4 Views · 8 months ago

A gifted young Black woman struggles to maintain her voice and identity after she’s offered a lucrative recording contract, setting off a fierce battle between her family, the label, and her closest friend to determine who will guide her as she makes the journey to become a star. Starring Niecy Nash, Giancarlo Esposito, Gracie Marie Bradley and Sharon Stone, BEAUTY is written by Lena Waithe and directed by Andrew Dosunmu.

Watch BEAUTY only on Netflix June 29:


About Netflix:
Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 222 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.

BEAUTY | Official Trailer | Netflix

A young singer on the brink of a promising career finds herself torn between a domineering family, industry pressures and her love for her girlfriend.

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