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The KRYZA CrypTube video library service is the CVIII of 2001. hosting service defined in point lc) of § 2 of the Act, in which the task of KRYZA CrypTube (hereinafter: "Operator") covers only the storage and transmission to the public of video content uploaded by Internet users. The User acknowledges that KRYZA CrypTube is used to upload and share digital video files, as well as to browse and view their content. The User is obliged to use the service as intended.
"The undersigned is the uploader of the video, I hereby declare and guarantee that I have the rights to use the video I have uploaded - I am considered the producer of the video, and I have obtained the necessary permissions from the producer of the video - and neither I, nor the producer or any other copyright or neighboring rights holder video. I hereby authorize KRYZA CrypTube to display the video uploaded by me on KRYZA CrypTube, and I authorize KRYZA CrypTube the necessary reproduction, public broadcasting, public performance, distribution and adaptation rights. I also declare and guarantee that the display of images and sound recordings of the video or other third parties does not infringe their personal or other rights under the Civil Code, I have obtained the necessary consents. I fully indemnify pTube from the related procedures and claim enforcement as well as related costs and fee requests, and I will pay them directly and stand by them. I consent to KRYZA CrypTube selling and displaying any advertising solutions on the page of the video uploaded by me and on the video interface before/during/after playback. I understand that I cannot claim any fees from KRYZA CrypTube in connection with these ads."
Hatso Szandek - Mit tudhat meg adni az elet - dalszoveg/lyrics Album: Öt percünk maradt - 2002 Dalszöveg: Tisztában vagyok a korlátaimmal S ha leülök este a barátaimmal Boldog vagyok, hogy köztük élhetek Nem adnám semmiért ezt az életet
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