In Dire Need of Compassion a film by Jonathan Nelson (Full Length Feature)
In Dire Need of Compassion is a feature film Written, Directed, Produced, and Edited by Jonathan Nelson
Jovan is a Serbian immigrant whose wife has just died in child labor. He moves to Los Angeles to live with his wife's twin sister, with whom he discovers a kindred romance. Jovan takes a job as a ride share driver, and finds himself in trouble using drugs and promiscuous sex to cope with loss. Living in a new world beyond his control, Jovan is anointed by visions of his wife that keep him on a path to salvation.
Chloë Caro, Jonathan Nelson, Amanda Puggle
Ray Guy Valdez, Liv Dancer Nelson, Gloriana Sol Nelson
Director of Photography
Jon Schweigart
Original Score by Ray Guy Valdez
With Music by ¡Socorro!
A No More Darkness Production ©2017